Thentia Cloud release notes: Version 1.42.2 (March 25, 2024)
Permanently deleted user
New features and enhancements: Portals
All Portals
When a payment is submitted in any Portal, a popup will now be displayed to inform the Portal user that their status is being updated, and to not close or navigate away from the browser tab so that the payment processing can complete successfully.
New features and enhancements: Workbench
All modules
When generating a letter from a Letter Template, you can now choose to output the letter file in DOCX format (in addition to the default PDF format), allowing you to edit the letter in Microsoft Word (and other word processing software) before sending it.
When you make a change to a record that causes one or more data fields in the Record View to change, the affected data fields will now update to reflect the change automatically after you click Save this record, without needing to close and reopen the record.
Analytics module
You can now select a Category and add a Description on Charts in the Analytics module.
Communications module
Added support for the following email variables on all notification emails associated with the Document Examination workflow: License Number ({{registration:registrationNumber}}), License Type ({{registration:registrationType}}), License Expiration Date ({{registration:expirationDate}}), and Profile Name ({{registration:licensee}}).
Configuration module
Added a lookup attribute for Facility Type to records in the Facility Application (reg_facilityapplication) and Facility Renewal (reg_facilityrenewal) entities.
Added a Generate New License setting to records in the License Type (reg_classofregistration) and Business License Type (reg_permitclass) entities to control the system’s behavior in cases where a licensee with an expired license submits a new application for the same license type. If this setting is set to Yes, the system will create a new license with a new license number. If set to No, the system will reissue the existing (expired) license and license number.
Portals affected: Licensee Portal / Business Licensing Portal
Register module
We’ve added two brand new features to the Messaging functionality to improve the user experience. When sending messages, both agency staff and Portal users (licensees and applicants) can now attach files to their messages, and even view common file types directly in the Workbench and Portal. Plus, agency staff users can now create message templates for their most commonly used messages, allowing them to quickly compose messages by starting with predefined text that only needs minor changes before sending.
Security module
The Thentia Cloud Workbench now supports the ability to set data access permissions at the record level. Previously, the Read Access, Write Access, and Delete Access permissions could only be configured to apply to all records equally within a given entity. Now, each of these permission can be configured to give users access only to specific records within an entity, allowing for better data security and compartmentalization. You can configure record-level permissions in multiple ways, for example based on whether a record meets certain criteria, or who is set as the owner of the record. It is now also possible for Privilege Groups (groups of Workbench users to whom permissions are applied) to be set as the record owner, and you can create a hierarchy of Privilege Groups where groups higher in the hierarchy have automatically inherit the permissions of the Privilege Groups below them.
Workflow module
Using the new Modified On and Modified By fields on the All Entity Metadata entity (tc_entitymetadata), you can now see who last modified an entity’s metadata, and when the change was made.
Added two new options to records in the Facility Inspection Control entity (reg_inspectioncontrol) to configure how inspection checklists work in the Inspection Portal: Hide File Upload - only for Compliant results? can be used to hide (Yes) or show (No) the Choose File button only on items marked as Compliant; while Hide text - only for Compliant results? can be used to hide (Yes) or show (No) the Please provide details textbox (for comments) only on items marked as Compliant.
Portals affected: Inspection Portal
Bug fixes: Portals
Business Licensing Portal
Fixed a bug that was causing a network error to occur when attempting to create a new business.
Education Provider Portal
Fixed a bug that was causing a network error to occur when attempting to add an entry to a custom table.
Fixed a bug on custom pages in the Education Program - Managed application process that was causing the Previous and Save & Continue buttons to disappear after clicking the Add New button.
Fixed a bug where uploading a CSV file containing valid exam dates would cause the Examination Date column in the table on the Programs page to display N/A instead of the specified date.
Fixed a bug where Portal users were being inadvertently logged out of the Portal when trying to proceed to the Payment page (after clicking Save & Continue).
Inspection Portal
Fixed a bug where creating a Fine Item with the Discretionary Fee attribute set to Yes would cause the fine amount field to be disabled (greyed out) on the inspection checklist, preventing the user from entering a fine amount.
Bug fixes: Workbench
All modules
Fixed a bug where the annotation tools were being incorrectly shown after opening an attached file in the Workbench, switching to any other tab, then switching back to the file attachment tab again.
Fixed a bug that was preventing users from logging in to the Workbench if the user had a deleted user record under the same email.
Fixed a bug where, when configuring a Lookup attribute on an entity, the system was allowing the attribute to be saved with some required values missing, resulting in an error that caused the user to be unintentionally logged out when trying to view the entity with the incomplete attribute.
Fixed a bug where deleted records were not appearing in the Deleted Records Table View, preventing deleted records from being restored.
Analytics module
Fixed a bug where the system was only displaying the first 1000 rows in Reports with more than 1000 rows.
Fixed the bug where the ampersand character (&) was being displayed as & in Reports generated in the Analytics module.
Communications module
Fixed a bug with Letter Templates where, if a template was configured with the License Application (reg_application) or E-mail Audit History (comms_emailaudit) entities as the data source entity, it was not possible to map the template because the field mapping controls were not being shown after clicking Refresh Fields.
Register module
Fixed a bug where, after approving an application for an Authorization, the notification message would display the Application number, instead of the expected Authorization number.
Fixed a bug where the system was not populating the Decision Date field on license application records with the current date when the Status is changed to Approved.
Fixed a bug where making any change to a license application record would cause an Elasticsearch error to be shown in the Notifications list.
Workflow module
Fixed a bug where, after clicking on the +Add button to add a new Table View to an entity, the system was not automatically selecting the newly created Table View to display its configuration options.
Fixed a bug in the Reviewer module that was causing the navigation menu and Summary View panels to overlap.
Fixed a bug that was creating an unwanted record when saving changes to an entity’s metadata.
Fixed a bug that was causing the Details field (and its contents) to not be displayed on records in the Facility Inspection Deficiency (reg_inspectiondeficiency) entity.
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