Thentia Cloud release notes: Version 1.35.0 (October 31, 2023)

Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Description Location
Update: A new interface and engine to configure and generate certificates and wallet cards. The new engine is similar to the letter engine and the certificate can support pictures for example licensee photo picture.  Certificate Template
Update: Dropdown options for the table component: connection source entity have been updated to improve the admin experience by showing: Entity Label - Attribute Label (Attribute Name). Letter Template
Update: Name Change Request Submission supports the creation of queue items now.  Queue Items
Fix: Letter template LOOP does not show connections that are not visible. Letter Template
Fix: Unable to download files with extensions of .emltpl and .msg. Multiple Location
Fix: Reset Password email does not show temporary password. Multiple Location


Thentia Cloud Portal Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Description Location
Update: Inspector and business representative e-signatures from the inspection report are now saved to the inspection record under Files for download and viewing.  Inspection Portal
Update: When auto approve renewal configuration is turned on for a license type, the status for license renewal applications that have CE exemptions will now be Submitted instead of Approved.  Licensee Portal
Update: Ability to configure the Continuing Education page to support read-only mode.  Licensee Portal
Update: Ability for system admin to configure complaint numbers. Complaint Portal
Update: Increased the limit on the number of provinces supported by the portal.  All Portals
Update: Portal email notifications (new account creation, activation and password reset) can be configured to support customers' branding requirements. All Portals
Fix: Facility license is not created when the application is approved.  Business Portal
Fix: Business information is not shown on Business Address Change Request submission confirmation email.  Business Portal
Fix: Submitted business license renewal email is not triggered if there is no payment page.  Business Portal
Fix: Portal Process Steps configured does not reflect accordingly for business filing applications.  Business Portal
Fix: On the inspection report, N/A is displayed when the Law/Regulation field is blank in the inspection checklist record.  Inspection Portal
Fix: The description for the Past Inspection table in the business portal shows current inspection.  Inspection Portal
Fix: After an inspection report is submitted, fine amount and apply fine radio button can be edited on the review page.  Inspection Portal
Fix: A completed inspection is showing under the "Assigned To Me" section of the inspection portal and the inspection status doesn‚Äôt automatically change to submitted or completed.  Inspection Portal
Fix: Invoice page shows Incorrect address formatting. All Portals
Fix: Declaration text is not shown when it contains an asterisk. All Portals
Fix: Submission emails are not triggered for business, license and renewal applications when paying by credit card.  All Portals
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