Thentia Cloud release notes: Version 1.31.0 (August 31, 2023)

Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements

Description Location

Ability to include picture on letter certificate: Picture files that are related to portal users (e.g., a photo on a license) or system users (e.g., the signature of an inspector) can now be included on letter certificates.

To facilitate the use of this feature, the following modifications were made: 

  • In the Document Template entity (tc_documenttemplate), image variables can now be added and must have the name prefixed with “img_”. The system treats “img” as case-insensitive, so an image named {{img_portrait}} or {{IMG_portrait}} is treated as the same image. 

  • In the Data Mapping section on the left panel of the Letter Template entity (Comms – Letter Template), there are new attributes to accommodate image or picture files:
    • The “Connection Source Entity” dropdown list allows the user to select an entity to collect image information from for the primary and child entities outside a loop and a single child entity within a loop.

    • A filename can be specified for the image to display, along with the dimensions (width and height) of the image in pixels. The default dimensions are 80x80.

      • Image – The name of the picture file, minus the “img_” prefix (e.g., “photo”, “portrait”).
      • Width (px) – The width of the picture.
      • Height (px) – The height of the picture.
  • The system uses the information provided for the image within the record of the specified entity to find an image file (e.g., jpeg, jpg, png, bmp, gif) that has a name starting with the entered string. If there are multiple files that match the criteria, the system will use the file that is uploaded first.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Comms – Letter Template
Generated Letter needs to be saved in activity: An Activity record is now created and linked to the record that triggered the creation of the letter, and a pdf file of the letter is attached to the Activity record.

Comms – Letter Template
Generated letter should have a meaningful file name: When letters are generated as PDF files, the pdf file name will now have a proper naming format that will include the “Template Name”, an underscore (_), and the “Triggering Record Name”. For example, “Invoice Generation Letter_Test Profile”.

Comms – Letter Template
Ability to include age (in days) on date field: System admins can now configure a date field to include and display the “age in days”. When this feature is enabled, the date fields in multiple places within the Workbench will include the Date value with the “age in days” within parentheses. For example, Aug-01-2023 (13 days).

Multiple Locations
Deep clone - Remove "- Copy" from cloned children and grandchildren records: Whenever records (e.g., individual and business license application types) are deep cloned (duplicated), the name of the child and grandchild records are no longer appended with “- Copy”. This change will prevent extra work for system admins to clean up this text. Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes

Description Location

When a table is configured with a column to show a lookup name, the lookup value from the parent entity is being displayed by the lookup.


Form Builder
When building a form, after copying, pasting, and saving JSON text that has a table configured and then opening the Table Editor and clicking on the Column tab, the existing header values are no longer reset, and the default values are only set when the field is empty.

Form Builder
All dropdown lists with a lookup to another entity that require the user to select an option from the list are now displaying the list options with the entity label and attribute label. For example, “Business City (reg_city)” is now “Business – Business City (reg_city)”.

Multiple Locations
In the Workbench, after adding a table to a text area on a form and then clicking the Modify Table button, the Table Wizard opens with all the Table, Cell and Accessibility fields properly formatted.

Multiple Locations

When registering for a new account in the portal, the Profile entity (reg_profile) is now saved without the first and last names of the portal user. This allows the new user to create and activate the new account from the portal and in the Workbench, an empty record will be generated with only the portal user connection filled in.


Register - Profile


Within the Task management panel in the Reviewer module, dropdown fields that have options with an “&” will now display the “&” instead of “&”.


Reviewer Module
In the Reviewed Module, rules are being triggered now when the process result of a process item is updated. For example, the status of a business application is now changed to “Approved” when the Process Item is updated to the “Approved” process result.

Reviewer Module

In the Summary View, the table connection is now using the filter parameter from the configured View to display the correct information.


Summary View

The Thentia Cloud usage logs, which utilize custom messages to add additional information about the event being captured, are now being properly cleared to ensure the correct logs are being stored for the current event.

Thentia Cloud Usage Logs

Whenever API create or update calls fail, the related create or update functionality on workbench entities will now also fail.

Thentia Cloud Web API


Thentia Cloud Portal Enhancements

Description Location
License Expiration Date not populating in Application Approval Emails (Approval Email Template): Emails configured for license application approvals will now populate both the License (Registration) Number and License (Registration) Expiration Date.

Application Portal
Business license record being created when business license application has no associated business license type: A business license is now being created when the business license application is associated with a business license type. Otherwise, if the business license type is not associated with a business license application type, the license is not generated.

Business Licensing
Business Renewal applications to be set to manual approval: Business renewal applications can be manually approved only after the renewal applications have been reviewed. The ability to turn on the manual review of business renewals and turn off the auto renewal process can be done through the Workbench by setting the “Disable Auto Approve” radio button to “Yes” in the Business License Type entity (reg_permitclass).

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Business Licensing

Facilities are not shown after selecting a business: After selecting a business in the portal, clicking on “Facilities” in the left navigation menu will now display the list of facilities associated with the business on the Facility page.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Business Licensing

Allow documents to be collected in a facility application: In the portal, during the facility application and facility renewal process there is now the ability to upload and submit supporting documents.


Business Licensing

Custom Complaint Form: Respondent types are now being populated in a Respondent Type dropdown on the Complaint form in the portal to allow the user to select the type of respondent. Respondent Types will only be populated in the dropdown based on the following rules:

  • If any respondent type is active according to the type shown in the dropdown.
  • If no respondent type is active, then the Licensee field will be shown by default.
  • If all types are active, then all Respondent Types are displayed in the dropdown.

The current types are “Business”, “Facility”, and “Licensee”.

To facilitate this new feature, in the Workbench, there is now a new entity called Complaint Respondent Type (com_complaintrespondenttype), which stores the various types of complaint respondents.

Complaint Portal

Ability for agency staff to request additional documents related to a complaint: Agency Staff are able to request additional documents related to a complaint. Once the request is made a complainant can add the documents via the Document Upload page in the portal.

The process flow:

  1. The complainant opens the Complaint Portal.
  2. The complainant submits a formal complaint.
  3. The regulator reviews the complaint.
  4. The regulator requests further documents from the complainant.
  5. The complainant views the documents they need to upload when viewing the “Upload Document” page.
  6. The complainant uploads the requested documents.
  7. The agency staff views the submitted documents.

Complaint Portal
Searching for a student - Prevent user from seeing student information: When searching for a student to add under a provider in the portal, the search results will be limited to the student listing under that specific provider, and only the student names and student ids will be displayed in the search results.

Education Provider Portal
Instructor List to be added to both managed/unmanaged programs page: The list of instructors can now be added, removed, searched for, and displayed for both managed (education program) and unmanaged (CE/Exam) programs on the Programs page in the portal.

Education Provider Portal
Add withdrawal process to a Custom Process: The ability to withdraw an application with a status of “new” from within a custom processes has been implemented.

Multiple Locations
Feature request - Custom Fields in Public Register Search Results: In the Public Register Search Results (e.g., medical specialty), information for custom fields will now be displayed. Online Registry


Thentia Cloud Portal Bug Fixes

Description Location
Entering the customer’s name associated with a credit card is now mandatory when processing credit card payments, and the name will appear on Authorize.Net transactions or credit card statements.

Application Portal

Attestations, declarations, and fees now display only for the application type on which they are configured.


Note: The renewal and reinstatement configurations are only controlled by the license type on the record.


Application Portal

When a logged in user is following the security steps and is on the Password Reset page, they will now be able to reset their password successfully, instead of their logged in session being terminated.


Business Licensing
The application number and application type are now displayed for supporting documents that are submitted with a business filing application.

Business Licensing
On the Employer pay page in the portal, when paying two different invoices at the same time for a business using a credit card, the payment is registered as a single transaction by the payment processor and the same order number will now be updated on both invoice records.

Business Licensing
After creating a child business in the portal with “Does this business have a parent business?” set to “Yes” and a parent business is selected, when the child business record (reg_permitholder) is opened in the workbench, the parent business information is retained and displayed.

Business Licensing
When a business address is entered for a new business, if the mailing address is flagged to be the same as the business address, both addresses will now be the same in the business record in Workbench.

Business Licensing
Clicking the “Select” button to select a business on the “Select Business” page will now redirect the user to the Business Info page rather than to multiple pages.

Business Licensing
In the portal on the Staff Listing page, the user can now edit all staff listing information, as well view the previously added staff listing.

Business Licensing
After logging into the portal, if a provider is not selected from the list and the user clicks on a custom page from the left navigation menu, the page will open successfully, and a network error will not occur.

Education Provider Portal
On the Provider Info page of a new provider, after entering “test” in the Name field and then clicking on “Save & Continue”, an invalid value error message appears, and the network error is no longer being displayed.

Education Provider Portal
When a user navigates to the Payment page while processing a provider application in the portal, the application will now be successfully submitted.

Education Provider Portal

On custom pages, sentences will no longer display under the “Note:” label, instead all texts will display formatted in a paragraph.


Licensee Portal
For CE programs, the CE exemption description in rich text is now being rendered properly and displayed with the correct formatting.

Licensee Portal
When the “linkToTableSourceEntity” value is set to true in the backend, the custom license certificate is populated with information from the matching licenses, and when the value is set to false, the information is retrieved from the matching profile.

Licensee Portal
After changing the date on a custom Name Change Request page in the portal, and then clicking Submit, if there are any errors, all errors will appear at the same time after clicking Submit. 

Licensee Portal
Categories (parent) and subcategories (child) configured in the portal are now shown, with the child categories displayed under the parent categories in alphabetical order.

Licensee Portal
For the license renewal process in the portal, the Payment Page is now only displayed when a license fee is configured.

Licensee Portal
When using Thentia Pay to pay a fee or invoice and the user’s name has accented characters, the user’s name is now displayed correctly in the portal, on the invoice, and on the emailed receipt for the invoice.

Multiple Locations
When “Is Optional” is set to “Yes” in the “Required Document” section of the “Custom Process Required Document” entity (port_customprocessrequireddocument) within the workbench, the document upload process will be optional for that document type in the Supporting Documents step of the custom process in the portal.

Multiple Locations

Additional security features have been implemented to minimize “Brute-Force Login” attacks on the workbench. Now, system admins can configure the number of failed login attempts allowed before a user, based on username, is locked out of the system.


The “Time Out Duration” that the user is locked out of the system due to failed login attempts can be set.


Once a user is locked out of the system, an email is automatically sent to notify the user that the username has been locked. The user will then need to wait the allotted time until the username is unlocked in order to be able to log back into the system.


System admins will also have the ability to reset the password to unlock a locked-out user.

Multiple Locations
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