Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements
Description | Location |
Standard report - Billing based on active license: A new standard report has been created in the Analytics module to show the list of license types with the total number that have a status flagged as “billable”. For example: Classification | License Type | Total Individual | Cosmetologist | 22330 Individual Authorization | Straight Razor Shave | 2333 Business | School License | 23333 Facility | Salon | 2323 Education Provider | Continuing Education | 435
The final line in the report displays a total count for all licenses by classification. Classification | Total Individual License | 32244 Individual Authorization | 23342
Analytics |
Staff user - Review and print my document: When working with a letter template, the following occurs:
Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Comms – Letter Template |
System admin - Preview my letter template: In the letter template, system admins can now do the following:
Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Comms – Letter Template |
System admin – Prepare or refresh a list of merged fields that I need to map to workbench fields: In the letter template, system admins can now do the following:
Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Comms – Letter Template |
Staff user - View and select a letter template that I can use to generate a document: Staff users can now view and select a letter template from the list of available preconfigured letter templates, depending on configuration, and then use that template to generate a document. Also, the letter template can be opened in a new tab for editing purposes and letters can be generated and previewed from the main panel. |
Comms – Letter Template |
System Admin - View letter template editor as I create or open an existing letter template record: The letter template entity has been enhanced with a new interface for configuring and viewing new and existing letter template records. Also referred to as the "letter template engine" or “enhanced letter generator”, it provides the capabilities to include a letterhead, footer, page number, background images, and more document formatting features similar to Microsoft Word. This engine also supports more data points for a letter document. Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Comms – Letter Template |
Need billable (tc_billable) attribute on status entities: A new “Billable” (Yes/No/Unset) radio button has been added to the following entities to provide the option of marking a status as “billable” or “not billable”:
Multiple Locations |
File limit error message: The single file size upload limit to the system is 300MB in order to avoid the server timeout. File size will be checked by the system before a file is parsed. This will prevent server timeouts for files larger than 300MB. Also, when attempting to upload a file that exceeds the file size limit, an error message appears similar to the following: “The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit: 300MB”. |
Multiple Locations |
Fix of Security Vulnerability on Containment of Ability to Brute-Force Logins: Additional security features have been implemented to minimize “brute-force login” attacks on the workbench. Now, system admins can configure the number of failed login attempts allowed before a user, based on username, is locked out of the system. The “Time Out Duration” at which the user is locked out of the system due to failed login attempts can be set. Once a user is locked out of the system, an email is automatically sent to notify the user that the username has been locked. The user will then need to wait the allotted time until the username is unlocked in order to be able to log back into the system. System admins will have the ability to reset the password to unlock a locked-out user. |
Security |
Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes
Description | Location |
Clicking on the “Visualize this chart” button on an open Analytics chart record will now display the chart (/graph). |
Analytics |
When attempting to “Save & Continue” on a new letter template where the required information is not entered, an error message is now displayed. |
Comms – Letter Template |
On a new and recently saved letter template, after clicking on the “Preview” button in the Preview section (left panel), the “Refresh Fields” button remains enabled and can be clicked. |
Comms – Letter Template |
The Payment API is now returning sys_approved = “true” for the Payment processing: Accept payments anywhere payment transactions with a status of "Authorized/Pending Review". |
Finance |
The search feature in the Profile entity now correctly parses search criteria and displays the proper search results. |
Register - Profile |
The Profile entity has been modified to ensure that only records with dates specified in the filter criteria are displayed. Date fields are also sorted correctly according to the sort criteria. |
Register - Profile |
The rich text is now rendered properly after configuring and formatting a text field in Form view through the Reviewer Module. |
Reviewer Module |
The table source entity and attribute options are now displayed properly in portal custom pages. Now the options in the “Source Lookup Field Name” dropdown include the "Source Entity" and attribute lookups of the source entity. Also, if “Source Entity” is selected from the “Source Lookup Field Name” dropdown, the options available for the “Field Name” are the source entity attributes whose types are not lookup. If a lookup is selected in “Source Lookup Field Name”, then attributes of the selected lookup are displayed in the “Field Name” dropdown. |
Workflow - Portal Custom Page Builder |
Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements
Description | Location |
Comments and Document Descriptions visible on the Application portal and Licensee portal: Text added to the “External Comments” field for documents in the workbench are now displayed in the comments for the documents in the portals. |
Application Portal / Licensee Portal |
Redirect to /webs/portal if url without /webs/portal: Entering a base portal URL without /webs/portal in the internet browser bar, will now redirect the user to the correct “/webs/portal” portal page. |
Backend |
Adding the ability to fileupload metadata to hide the previously uploaded files: A new Boolean tag “hideFilesOnOld” (“true” / “false”) has been added to metadata to hide the visibility of old uploaded files. |
Backend |
Select Business List - Add Business Type columns / Remove columns related to Parent Business: On the “Select Business” page in the portal, the Business Type column has been added, and the “Is Parent Company” and “Parent Company” columns can be removed based on configuration. To facilitate the removal of these two columns, in the Business Information section of the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), the “Disable Parent Business” (Yes/No/Unset) radio button must be set to “Yes”. Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Business Licensing |
Business Entity Registration ending in odd years: The license expiration date of a business or facility can now be calculated with the addition of two new radio buttons in the Business License Type entity (reg_permitclass) and Facility Type entity (reg_facilitytype):
Note: If a license period is yearly, then this configuration should never be enabled, as a yearly period would always require alternating even and odd years. |
Business Licensing |
Adding sponsor approved / rejected status for sponsor renewal workflow: The sponsor approval workflow has been modified to include the “approved” and “rejected” statuses to provide a business with the ability to mark submitted sponsor renewal applications as either “approved” or “rejected”. |
Business Licensing / Licensee Portal |
Payment - Redirect Payment Complete doesn't close Renewal record: In the license renewal with submission and auto approval renewal process, when a payment is approved or completed, the renewal record is closed. |
Licensee Portal |
Individual license - reinstatement config - ability to specify duration in months: The Individual license reinstatement process has been modified to support configuring the duration in days and months within the License Type entity. Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Licensee Portal |
Apply multiple fees for one Business Document Request Type: Multiple fee items records can now be configured for a single business document request type in the Document Request Fee Item entity (reg_documentrequestfeeitem). |
Licensee Portal |
Need to add Business Address to Business Register: In the public registry, the business address column and information are now available in the custom Business Register search results. |
Online Registry |
SSN/SIN input behavior - All Portal: In the portals that have the SSN or SIN field, the number is now masked. When entering each number in the SSN or SIN, the number will be briefly shown and then masked. |
Security |
Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes
Description | Location |
If the user is not a licensee, they are still able to proceed to add or edit content on the Board Approved Supervisor page in the portal. |
Application Portal |
The string resource is now present for the business filing on the Application Review/Print page and downloaded pdf file. |
Business Licensing |
After completing the attestation responses for the business filing, and then clicking on Save & Continue, all attestation responses are stored properly. |
Business Licensing |
When completing an application for a new education provider, before and after the application is submitted, the new provider profile will no longer replace the logged in profile to become the default logged in profile. |
Education Provider Portal |
When a document is submitted through the portal as part of the license reinstatement process, the correct work queue item will now be displayed in the list of “All Queue Items” within the workbench. |
Licensee Portal |
When using a Mobile device to view the portals, no HTML tags are displayed in any paragraphs or as button text. | Multiple Locations |
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