Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements
Description | Location |
Deep Clone - Cloning Business Application Type needs to include portal process steps: When cloning an application type, the Portal Process Step (port_processstep) will now be included, along with all values and lookup fields. |
Backend |
System Admin - I want to upload a document that I want to use for a letter template: System admins can now upload a document that they can use as a letter template. |
Comms – Letter Template |
System Admin - Browse available workbench fields and map them to the letter template merge fields: System Administrators are now able to specify data mapping within a text field in the format of “Entity_name.Attribute_Name” and then save the mapping and refresh the fields in the letter template. |
Comms – Letter Template |
System Admin - Provide basic information such as name to my letter template: System Administrators can view the Letter Template Details section in the left panel of the Letter Template. The first section is expanded by default upon landing on the page and the user can enter the following information and then save the record:
Comms – Letter Template |
UX - Add active / inactive switch on the builder page: When a custom page is created, the default value of the page is now set to “Active”.
Multiple Locations |
Staff User – Know which fields I can update when I do a bulk update: Staff users can now view styling on columns that differentiates editable columns from columns that do not support edit mode. When the staff user clicks on the “Table Edit” button on the main menu of the entity, the editable columns will be available for editing with the default white background, and the non-editable columns will be displayed with a grey background and cannot be edited. |
Multiple Locations |
Reviewer Module Checklist on Task Template Bug: In the Task Template Details of the Reviewer Module, the Checklist field, which is optional will now accept a null value. |
Reviewer Module |
Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes
Description | Location |
License renewal reminders are not sent: License renewal reminder emails are now being sent to licensees with licenses that are soon to expire. |
Comms |
Comms is not updating email trigger: The Comms email log is being generated now and the email is sent for new account activations. |
Comms |
Letter Templates --> "Save" and "Cancel" buttons are not visible when the Zoom is 100%: After clicking on Generate Letter Template on an entity that has a letter template designated, the “Save” and “Cancel” buttons are now visible when the browser page zoom is set to 100%. | Comms – Letter Template |
Creating a message with a hyperlink causes message UI to not appear: Messages sent with a hyperlink are now received in both the Business Licensing and Licensee Portals.
Multiple Locations |
Renewal declaration/attestations text overlapping: For the submitted Renewal application, the declaration and attestation text are no longer overlapping each other when the application is printed. |
Register – License Renewal |
Summary View - Rich text does not render properly on summary view: Rich text renders properly now in Summary View and on the Reviewer Module pages. | Reviewer Module / Summary View |
Filter For Date id not working as expected: When providing your filter criteria on columns in the “All Portal Users” table:
Security – Portal Users |
Align Condition Builder UI with JSON expectation: criteria can now be added for both default states: “True” of “False” of an attribute and will align with the JSON text. | Workflow - Portal Custom Page Builder |
Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements
Description | Location |
Application review - Change data url to attachments: The portal has been modified to save each screenshot as a file instead of a data uniform resource identifier (URI). This means that each step of the application process is now stored in the Time Stamp Shot entity with a screenshot of the step in the jpeg format. Each step can be sorted by clicking on the Step Name or Step Number columns in the table. |
Application Portal |
Reinstatement of a Business license pt.1: Reinstating a business license is now possible only when the business license has a status of “Inactive - Administrative Suspension” and “Inactive - Probation/ Restricted” within 3 years of the business license expiration date. A reinstatement fee can be applied in the Business Entity. For example, the Reinstatement Fee = Renewal Fee ($50) + Reinstatement Fee ($25) = $75. |
Business Licensing |
Reinstatement of a Business license pt.2: The payment and process flow of a reinstatement has been completed. This accommodates the business license reinstatement process when the business license has a status of “Inactive - Administrative Suspension” and “Inactive - Probation/ Restricted” within 3 years of the business license expiration date. Note: Configuration assistance is required. |
Business Licensing |
CE program submission workflow: In the portal, education providers can now upload their class rosters from the Programs page and pay for the rosters in bulk. |
Education Provider Portal |
Extend list of special fields on the wallet cards & certificates: New special placeholders have been added for wallet cards and certificates to provide the following formatting as indicated:
Licensee Portal |
Adding the ability to file upload metadata to hide the previously uploaded files: A new tag has been added to metadata to hide the visibility of old uploaded files. |
Multiple Locations |
Extend print button to do deeply nested relationships on the document template: The Print button functionality has been modified to do deeply nested relationships on the document template, and fetch data from the connected records of the Business entity record. For example, printing certificates connected to a business record. Note: The format of the printed information is not completed in this ticket and will be covered in a future ticket.
Multiple Locations |
Complaint Form - Add Business & Facility Searches: A complainant can now submit complaints against businesses and facilities. The complaints are submitted using a new custom complaint form (custom page) and the complaints are saved in the Complaint module in the workbench. In the New Complaint form (custom page), the respondent section now has three different types of searches in the Subject Type field. The dropdown options are as follows:
Online Complaint |
Need to add Business Address to Business Register: In the public registry, the business address column and information are now available in the custom Business Register search results. |
Online Registry |
Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes
Description | Location |
New users are now able to set the answers to their security questions, reset their login password, and then login successfully into the Application Portal. |
Application Portal |
When creating a custom view for a new business with information that has custom date fields, the custom view is created successfully. |
Business Licensing |
On the Filling page in the portal, the following have been done:
Business Licensing |
The following new string resources have been added to various sections on the portals mentioned below: String Resources:
Portals / Sections:
Business Licensing / Licensee Portal |
When filling out a new education provider application, after entering an invalid Provider Name and other details, and then clicking on Save & Continue, an error message appears indicating the Provider Name is invalid. |
Education Provider Portal |
When creating a new education provider and after completing the provider application steps, select “fee waiver” for the payment and do not upload any supporting documents, now click on the Process Payment button, the validation message that appears will now display in red. |
Education Provider Portal |
After uploading a csv file for the roster of an approved program for a new and approved education provider, a fee waiver condition is applied to each fee item, the amount for each fee item is waived, and then the Submit button is clicked. The resulting error message that appears is now displayed in red. |
Education Provider Portal |
The correct current effective date is now displaying in the license details after a license renewal approval. |
Licensee Portal |
The file upload items error message is now displaying in red. | Multiple Locations |
When searching for a license holder in the Online Registry portal, the license type is now displayed even when the string resource key is empty in the License Type entity. | Online Registry |
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