Thentia Cloud release notes: Version 1.19.0 (March 8, 2023)

Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements

Description Location

Additional Standard Reports: Additional standard reports with associated graphs have been added to the Analytics module. These reports can be generated for individual licenses, business licenses, and facility permits.

The new reports are:

  • Average Age of Open Applications in Days – This report is based on the submitted date for applications to today, where the status is not “new”, “approved”, “rejected”, “cancelled”, or “expired”, and provides the number of days, or the average age, of all open applications.
  • Average Age of Open Applications in Days by Type – This report is similar to the “Average Age of Open Applications in Days” report but provides the number of days, or the average age, of all open applications by type.
  • Average License Application Duration in the Last Year – This report provides the average time in days between the submission date and the decision date for all license applications over the last year with a status of “approved” or “rejected”.
  • Average Application Duration in This Year by Type – This report is similar to the “Average License Application Duration in the Last Year” report but provides the average time in days between the submission date and the decision date by license application type for applications with a status of “approved” or “rejected”.
  • Applications Approved This Year By License Type and Application Type – This report is based on applications that are in an approved state in the current year and provides a count by license type and by application type for each license type, along with the totals for each. Visualization can be done using a circle chart, fist level license type, and second level application type.
  • Number of License Applications Open By Type – This report provides a count and name of each application type where the status is not “new”, “approved”, “rejected”, “cancelled”, or “expired”.
  • Number of Requests Open by Type reports – These are various new reports that provide the total number of requests from various tables where the status is not “new”, “approved”, “rejected”, “cancelled”, “expired”, or “completed” is not equal to “yes”:
    • Number of Authorization Applications Open by Type
    • Number of Document Requests Open by Type
    • Number of Name Change Requests Open by Type
    • Number of Status Change Requests Open by Type

Entity/Attribute Creation: Portal Configuration: Regulators now have the ability to allow applicants to view, download, and re-upload supporting documents submitted on applications.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Settings section of the Portal Configuration (port_site) entity, there is now a new attribute:

  • Enable Additional Documents View (Yes/No/Unset) – The user will be able to review the submitted application and download all uploaded files, as well as be able to re-upload documents to existing applications when this is set to “Yes”. The user will not be able to download the previously uploaded files or re-upload files to an existing application if this is set to “No” or “Unset”.

Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the Portal item “Ability to Re-upload all Files in the Application Process” and “Ability to review my license application as an individual Licensee”.

Config- Portal Configuration

Status Lookup on Declaration/Attestation: Regulators now have the ability to configure declarations and attestations for the license renewal process based on the Destination License Status that is selected for the Status Change step in the attestation or declaration record.

Rules for this new feature:

  • If declarations or attestations are configured with a “Destination License Status,” then the declaration or attestation page will appear only for those statuses during the renewal process.
  • Otherwise, if the “Destination License Status” is empty for declarations or attestations, then declarations or attestations will appear for all statuses during the renewal process.
  • The “Destination License Status” for a declaration or attestation is not saved to the Workbench during the renewal process.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Attestation entity (reg_attestation) there is now a new attribute:

  • Destination License Status – Select the lookup to the destination status in the License Status entity.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Declaration Question entity (reg_declarationquestion) there is now a new attribute:

  • Destination License Status – Select the lookup to the destination status in the License Status entity.

Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the Portal item “Declarations/attestations criteria based on Destination Status in Renewal process”.

Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes

Description Location

The Analytics Dashboard has been modified to display properly scaled charts, and to allow editing, which includes removing charts or queries that were made by mistake for a dashboard.


Clicking on the Save button when attempting to add a new radio button to an entity in the platform will now save the radio button.

Multiple Locations

The user is still able to log into the platform after removing the “Is Administrator” privilege.


Users in any privilege group will now be able to see what access/permissions they have been granted to determine if they are able to log into the platform.



Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements

Description Location

Add Account Settings to the Application Portal Home Page: The Account Settings functionality has been modified on the portal’s home page to allow redirecting the current user to an authentication provider’s web page in order to change their portal login password.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Authentication (port_portalauthentication) entity, there is now a new attribute:

  • Authentication Provider – When the portal user attempts to change their password through the portal Account Settings, they will be redirected to the web page of the selected authentication provider to change their password.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal

Re-upload all Files in the Application Process: Individual applicants and business licensees can now view all supporting documents uploaded during the application process and not just the required documents listed on the instructions page.

When requested to do so by the board, applicants can re-upload files to the application record. Historical files cannot be deleted by applicants, and new files uploaded will have a date appended to differentiate between the various file versions.

Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the Platform item “Entity/Attribute Creation: Portal Configuration”.

Application Portal

Ability to review my license application as an individual Licensee: During the application review process, from the Application Review/Print page in the portal, the applicant or licensee can now download files previously uploaded for their application.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Settings section of the Portal Configuration (port_site) entity, there is now a new attribute:

  • Enable Additional Documents View (Yes/No/Unset) – The user will be able to review the submitted application and be able to download all uploaded files when this is set to “Yes”. The user will not be able to download the previously uploaded files if this is set to “No” or “Unset”.

Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to Platform item “Entity/Attribute Creation: Portal Configuration”.

Application Portal

As a Business I want to be able to review Individual Applications connected to my Business so that I can Approve the application:Businesses can now review applications that have been sponsored by them, which were submitted by individual applicants through the Application Portal.

When reviewing the application, the business user can:

  • View screenshots of each page of the application process including the pages that the applicant added or edited.
  • Read through the application steps and download all uploaded files one by one.
  • Return to the previous page.

Additionally, when an individual applicant who has submitted an application through the Application Portal is reviewing the application, they can:

  • Read through the application steps and download all uploaded files one by one.
  • Return to the previous page.
Application Portal / Business Licensing

Sponsored Application Approval Workflow: The Sponsored Applications feature has now been introduced as a new Standard Feature in Thentia Cloud. This means that authorized representatives of a business can now sponsor an individual applicant so that the individual’s application can be linked to the business and restrict access for applicants to those application types in the Application Portal.

The business can also withdraw the sponsorship, and an email notification will be sent to the applicant regarding the application status (approved/denied).

The Sponsored Application Approval Workflow is as follows:

  1. Business invites an applicant to complete a sponsorship application.
  2. Applicant completes the application.
  3. Business reviews the application submitted by the applicant.
  4. Business approves the application before sending to the agency. Or the Business rejects the application.
  5. An email notification is automatically sent to the applicant to notify them of the application status (approved or denied).

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal / Business Licensing

Remove Constraint for Custom Page Location on Business Portal: Custom pages can now be configured for any step in the portal. This means that system administrators can now place custom pages in other places other than between “Supporting documents” and “Declarations.”

Also, portal users can now view the custom page in the designated location based on the admin configuration.

 To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Process Step (port_processstep) entity, make sure a record exists with the custom Portal Page specified, along with the Display Order of that page, for the designated Portal.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Business Licensing

Declarations/attestations criteria based on Destination Status in Renewal process: Declarations and attestations are now added to the license renewal process based on the Destination License Status specified for the License Type on the attestation or declaration record.

Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the Platform item “Status Lookup on Declaration/Attestation”.

Licensee Portal

Custom forms based on Destination Status in Renewal: Custom forms can now be displayed during the license renewal process based on “conditions metadata” specified for the status-based custom page and a specified Destination Status.

“Conditions Metadata” will allow some pages to only show conditionally based on configurations and/or user data. The condition for the metadata must be entered in JSON format, which will be parsed and evaluated in the code.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Process Step (port_processstep) entity, make sure a record exists with the custom Portal Page selected and the status specified as part of the metadata conditions for the designated Portal.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Licensee Portal

Destination Status Lookup on Custom Page Process: Regulators now have the ability to conditionally show custom pages based on the selected Destination Status.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Custom Page Process entity (port_custompageprocess) there is now a new attribute:

  • Destination Status – Select the lookup to the destination status in the License Status entity.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations

Auto-generated emails in Preferred Language:  Applicants can now receive and read emails in their preferred language localization. For example, when working with submitted and approved applications, status change request submissions and complaint portal submissions, etc.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the E-mail Template (comms_emailtemplate) entity, there is now a new attribute:

  • Language locale – The preferred language locale that is the same as the Preferred Localization specified in the user’s profile.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations

Ability to apply custom code on the custom public register profile:

When opening the profile view page in the public register search, a custom code loaded message will now be displayed in the portal UI.

Online Registry

Business Portal Performance Update – Business Session: In the portal, the load time of the Landing / home page has been optimized and the page will open more noticeably faster than before.

Business Licensing


Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes

Description Location

The EPAY payment processor responses for the production and development systems are now being synchronized properly.


The Upload Document button is now available for applicable application types on the Supporting Documents (Uploaded Documents) page in the portal.

Business Licensing

The Approved radio button is now available on the portal’s Add User Account page in the portal when adding a new user account.

Business Licensing

Upon the approval of a Key Contact Change Request in the workbench, the following shareholder records will be properly populated in the portal record:

  • New Start Date
  • New End Date
  • New Profile
  • New License
Business Licensing

On the portal, the Work Address and Province/State fields have been changed to non-mandatory fields, and no error messages will occur if any of these fields are not filled out.

Complaint Portal

After successfully processing an e-check payment for a license renewal, the renewal record will be available in the workbench and marked as “submitted” instead of “new”.

Licensee Portal

The CE plan generated will now end on the correct day when the Continuing Education Program is set to a rolling program period in a specified number of months.

Licensee Portal
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