Lookup Business Field in the Application: Regulators can now link the registration application to the corresponding business.
To facilitate the use of this new feature, in the Application Details section of the Registration Application entity (), there is now a new attribute:
Business Sponsor – The business that is linked to and sponsoring the applicant’s registration.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Config – Registration Application
Address Line 1 Search in Portal Configuration: Regulators can now enable the address line 1 field to be searchable in portals. When the search feature is enabled, searching can be done on additional address fields such as city, postal code, country, etc.
To facilitate the use of this new feature, in the Portal Settings section of the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), there are two new attributes:
Enable Address Search (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates the Address Line 1 field in the portals are enabled to search and will auto-populate corresponding address fields including address1, country, city, province, postal code, and county when set to “Yes”. When this is set to “No’ or “Unset”, the address line 1 field is not searchable and only one default input field will display with no auto population.
Address Search Country Codes (comma separated) – Define the country codes to limit the searching by countries. For example, if the country code is “CA”, when searching, the API will return only Canadian addresses. Country codes entered like “CA, US” will provide search results for multiple countries.
Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the portal ticket “Address Validation”.
Config – Portal Configuration
Registration Effective Date: The request to keep the existing effective date intact and create a new field in order to show the registration effective date has been completed.
To facilitate this new feature, there is now a new attribute in the Licence History Record section of the Registration History Record entity (reg_registrationhistory):
Registration Effective Date – This is the effective date of the license registration.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Config – Registration History Record
CE Subcategory: Regulators now have the ability to add unlimited levels of subcategories for Continuing Education activities.
To facilitate the use of this new functionality, there are new attributes in the following entities:
CE Activity Category entity (lrn_professionaldevelopmentactivitycategory)
Parent Category – The lookup to the parent category id in the CE Activity Category entity.
Is Secondary Category (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates if the category is a secondary category in the portal when set to “Yes”. When set to “No” or “Unset”, this is not a secondary category.
Secondary Category – The lookup to the secondary category id in the CE Activity Category entity.
Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the portal ticket “Continuing Education – Subcategory, Method & Layered Program Requirements”.
Entity/Field Creation – Examination: With the introduction of the Examinations feature as a new standard feature, several new entities and fields have been created to better facilitate its use.
Name String Resource – The name string resource for the regulatory exam.
Description – The description of the regulatory exam.
Description String Resource – The description string resource for the regulatory exam.
Questions Per Page – The number of questions per page.
Pass Rate (Percentage) – The percentage pass rate for the regulatory exam.
Max Attempts Allowed – The maximum attempts allowed for taking the exam. There is no limit when this empty.
Is Time Limited (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates if the regulatory exam is time limited when set to “Yes”. The exam is not time limited when this is set to “No” or “Unset”.
Time Limit (minutes) – The regulatory exam time limit in minutes. This is used in conjunction with the “Is Time Limited” attribute.
Days Valid – The number of days the exam is valid within the regulatory period.
Active (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates if this is an active regulatory exam when set to “Yes”. The regulatory exam is inactive when set to “No” or “Unset”.Connected Processes section
Application Type – The lookup to the Application Type entity.
Registration Class – The lookup to the Registration Class entity.
Renewal Process (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates if the regulatory exam applies to the license renewal process.
Reinstatement Process (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates if the regulatory exam applies to the license reinstatement process.
Authorization Application Type – The lookup to the Authorization Application Type entity.
Custom Process Type – The lookup to the Custom Process Type entity.
Exam Section – The lookup to the Regulatory Exam Section entity.
Active (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates that this is an active question on the exam when set to “Yes”. This is an inactive exam question when set to “No” or “Unset”.
Mandatory (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates that this is a mandatory question when set to “Yes”. The question is not mandatory when set to “No” or “Unset”.
Question – The details of the regulatory exam question.
Question String Resource Key – The string resource key for the regulatory exam question.
Name – The name of the regulatory exam question choice.
Exam Question – The lookup to the Regulatory Exam Question entity.
Choice Ordinal – The numerical order in which the question choice is displayed.
Is Correct Choice (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates that this is the correct choice for the exam question when “Yes” is selected. It is not the correct choice or answer when “No” or “Unset are selected.
Choice Text – The text details of the question choice.
Choice String Resource Key – The string resource key for the question choice.
Active (Yes/No/Unset) – Indicates that this is an active regulatory exam fee when set to “Yes”. The regulatory exam fee is inactive when set to “No” or “Unset”.
Existing Entity Modified:
In the Related section of the Fee Waiver entity (reg_feewaiver), there is now a new attribute:
Exam Attempt – The lookup to the Regulatory Exam Attempt entity.
Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the portal ticket “New Feature – Examination Feature”.
Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes
In the Workbench, only one public registration record will now be updated after the registration number is manually entered for a submitted application that is approved.
Config – Public Register Record
When the “Has Public Discipline” attribute is set to “Yes” in the Public Register record, a disciplinary notice will now display on the public register if the Public Notice record has any of the following criteria:
An Effective Date in the past or future
“Visible on Public Register” is set to “Yes”
No Scheduled Removal Date.
Config – Public Register Record
Regulator’s logos are now being displayed properly on their US portal sites.
Multiple Locations
Logos will now be displayed on Thentia Cloud platforms that are accessed from the Firefox browser.
Multiple Locations
When attempting to copy a Declarations or Attestation page in the platform, the system will no longer automatically log out the user.
Multiple Locations
Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements
Generate one wallet card per place of practice: Regulators now have the ability to generate one wallet card per Place of Practice, in addition to generating one wallet card per license for a licensee.
Licensee Portal
String resource paragraph at the top of Status change page: For licenses renewals, when a string resource paragraph has been added on the Status Change Request page, it will appear at the top of the page before the note about required information.
Licensee Portal
Continuing Education – Subcategory, Method & Layered Program Requirements: Regulators now have the ability to present applicants/licensees with parent and child (secondary/subcategory) categories within continuing education activities.
Rules for the CE Subcategory:
The subcategory is enabled by adding a parent category to a category record.
When the CE subcategory is enabled, the Credits by Category table in the CE Plan Summary page will display all categories in a hierarchy.
When the CE subcategory is enabled, the Activity add/edit page will display a dropdown field that shares the original category label which depends on whether the selected category has a child category.
If the subcategory is not enabled, the Credits by Category table in the CE plan summary page will remain the same as before, displaying only required categories.
When adding a subcategory activity, only the category that doesn’t have any children categories will be saved in the activity record.
A category cannot have itself as the parent category.
Rules for the Secondary Category:
The Secondary Category is enabled by adding a secondary category.
Only when the secondary category is enabled, a new table “Credits by Second Category” displays the required category information on the CE plan summary page.
There is now a new field on the activity add/edit page for collecting secondary category information.
The Secondary category cannot have subcategories.
The Secondary category activity hours do not count towards the period total unless the activity registered is also a required non-secondary category.
Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the platform ticket “CE Subcategory”.
Licensee Portal
Examination Feature: Regulators/Boards can now provide the users of a designated portal with the ability to complete an exam, which can include applications, renewals, or a stand-alone quiz. This feature allows the users to attempt simple, multiple-choice questions which are automatically graded.
Specific details about this functionality:
The exam auto-submits when the timer runs out.
Questions are only multiple-choice (one answer allowed).
Questions are randomized unless there are fewer question records than configured in the exam section.
Mandatory Questions will always appear in the exam.
The pass rate must be met to attain a passing grade and to continue to the next step in the process.
After an exam is started, refreshing the page will retain the original order of questions.
If maximum attempts > 1, then the exam can be retaken up to the maximum number of attempts allowed.
If an exam fee is configured, then every exam retake will require payment.
Questions are paginated depending on the “questions per page” configuration.
The exam submission will show correct or incorrect answers.
The exam submission will show the overall result, including a pass or fail, and the number of correct answers.
Revisiting the examination step will show the “Best Attempt” percentage, if available.
Examination is a possible step for the Application, Renewal, Authorization Application, Reinstatement, and Custom Process (Licensee Portal) processes.
Exam fees can have fee waivers applied.
Exam attempts are valid for a number of configured days after starting the exam.
Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the platform ticket “New Feature – Examination Feature”.
Multiple Locations
Address Validation: The Address validation API has been enhanced and entering address details is now much easier in the portals.
When a user enters address information into an address field, an automatic address search is performed, and the matching address or addresses are displayed in a list. Selecting an address will populate the address details in the appropriate address fields (Address, Address Line 2, State/Province, County (if applicable), Postal/Zip, Country, and GPS coordinates; these are stored in hidden fields). The user can also manually update the address information entered.
Note: Configuration assistance is required. This is linked to the platform ticket “Address Line 1 Search in Portal Configuration”.
Multiple Locations
e-check as payment method: Regulators now have the ability to allow the selection of “e-check” as a method of payment in the portals. Once “e-check” is selected, clicking on the Process Payment button will process the payment.
Multiple Locations
Custom page – Add age validation on “itemType” date: Custom pages now have date of birth or age validation, similar to the standard pages. An error will now display if the date of birth entered is less than 18 years.
Multiple Locations
PCI compliance payment redirect: Thentia Pay has been added as another payment integration for all portals where online payments are enabled. It works identically to the current redirect payment providers, wherein on the payment page the user will select a payment method and then click on the “Process Payment” button to be redirected to the third-party page where the payment processing will be completed.
Payment Providers that work with Thentia Pay:
Multiple Locations
Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes
After logging into the portal, during the two-stage security authentication, when the user is prompted to enter the answer to the security question, any previously entered answers from prior logins will no longer appear.
Application Portal
When using a custom page and reinstating an expired license to active, the renewal fee (e.g., $600) will now be applied successfully.
Licensee Portal
When working on a reinstatement application, the record is now being saved on the Custom Summary page and the user is able to navigate back to the page by clicking on the Previous button.
Licensee Portal
After changing the Registration Effective Date to reinstate a license, the Registration Effective Date will no longer reflect the Approval Date of the application, but instead display the correct date on which the license is effective.
Licensee Portal
When using a custom view, the Delete button function will now properly delete the selected item and reload the view.
Multiple Locations
When a user receives an email, the regulator’s logo size will now be properly formatted.
Multiple Locations
After clearing the Name String Resource Key from an individual license, business license, or facility license record, the default value for the field will now be displayed for that record in the public register.
Online Registry
After a submitted application is approved and a registration number is manually entered in the workbench, only one updated record will be displayed in the Public Register.
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