1. Field Creation Request – Generate Profile Number (for business): The ability to configure whether a profile number or business id is generated for a business is now possible through Portal Configuration. Also, the ability to view the generated profile number for a business is now possible in the Business entity.
Note: A new business record creation will be automatically assigned a profile number if the “Generate Profile Number” attribute is set to “Yes”.
The Portal Configuration entity (port_site) has a new attribute in the Business Information section:
Generate Business ID (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates if the business profile id will be generated on the portal. In the Platform:
Select “Yes” to indicate selecting an option for this field is required on the portal page.
Select “No” to indicate that selecting an option for this field is not required.
Select “Unset” to hide this option/field from the portal page.
The Business entity (reg_permitholder) has a new attribute
Business ID – The business registration id number.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Config – Business / Portal Configuration
2. Entity Creation Request – Employer Pay: The ability to allow businesses or employers to pay for multiple invoices of its employees in one single transaction (bulk payment) is now possible.
To facilitate the use of this functionality, the following entities were either created or updated with new attributes in order to record the transaction made by the employer:
New Entity
The new Employer Payment Transaction entity (pay_employerpaymenttransaction) has the following attributes:
Name – The transaction number that is required.
Business – The lookup to the business making the payment in the Business entity.
Profile – The lookup to the authorized representative profile in the Profile entity.
Payment Date – The date when the payment was made.
Total Amount – The total amount of all invoices involved in the transaction.
Transaction Code – The transaction code for the payment.
Authorization Code – The authorization code for the transaction.
Entities Modified
The Portal Configuration entity (port_site) has a new attribute in the Portal Settings section:
Enable Employer Pay (Yes/No/Unset)- This indicates if Employer Pay is enabled or disabled in the portal. In the Platform:
Select “Yes” to indicate selecting an option for this field is required on the portal page.
Select “No” to indicate that selecting an option for this field is not required.
Select “Unset” to hide this option/field from the portal page.
The Invoice entity (pay_invoice) has a new attribute in the Invoice Details section:
Employer Payment Transaction – The lookup to the employer’s payment transaction in the Employer Payment Transaction entity.
3. Field creation request – custom public register results column layout: There is now the ability to use a custom column layout to store results in the Public Register.
To facilitate this new functionality, in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), there are new attributes in the following sections:
Public Register Configuration section
Individual Register Custom Column Layout – This is a comma-separated string that specifies the column layout on the result page (e.g., registrationNumber, firstName).
Business Public Register section
Business Register Custom Column Layout – This is a comma-separated string that specifies the column layout on the result page (e.g., licenseNumber, legalName).
Facility Register Custom Column Layout – This is a comma-separated string that specifies the column layout on the result page (e.g., licenseNumber, facility Location).
Note: Configuration assistance is required. Additional information is available for this new functionality at the following link:
4. A real time integration between Thentia Cloud and Moneris Payment Processor has been completed. This integration allows users to make online (bulk and single) payments via credit and debit cards through the Application Portal, Business Licensing Portal, and Licensee Portal. Users will be redirected to the Moneris payment page and upon submitting a payment, a response will be received indicating a successful or failed payment.
To facilitate the use of this new feature for the Moneris Gateway, the following configuration details must be entered into the Payment Configuration entity (pay_paymentconfiguration):
Username – This is the username that is required for the Moneris login and is not related to the API.
Store ID – This is the password that is required for the Moneris login.
API Token – The unique API token.
Merchant ID – The merchant Id associated with the store.
Terminal ID – The id of the terminal used to process payments. This value is optional.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Config - Payment Configuration
5. Field Creation Request – Show License Status Dropdown: The request to show the license status dropdown in the Public Register portal has been completed.
To facilitate the use of this functionality, in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site) there is now a new attribute in the Public Register Configuration section:
Show License Status Filter (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates if to show the License Status filter dropdown field in the Public Register.In the Platform:
Select “Yes” to indicate selecting an option for this field is required on the portal page.
Select “No” to indicate that selecting an option for this field is not required.
Select “Unset” to hide this option/field from the portal page.
6. Attribute creation Time Stamp Shot: In order to store the date and time when an event occurred, there are now two new attributes in the Related section of the Time Stamp Shot entity (reg_timestampshot):
Business License Renewal – The lookup to the business license renewal in the Business License Renewal entity.
Renewal – The lookup to the renewal in the Registration Renewal entity.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Config – Time Stamp Shot
7. Entity Creation Request: CE Audit Related: The following entities have been created to accommodate the continuing education audit functionality:
The new CE Audit Control Status entity (lrn_auditcontrolstatus) has the following attribute:
Name – The name of the continuing education audit status.
The new CE Audit Exemption entity (lrn_auditexemption) has these attributes in the following sections:
Exemption Configurations
Name – The name of the exemption configuration.
First License Exemption Period – The number indicating the first license exemption period.
Historic Audit Exemption Period – The number indicating the historic audit exemption period.
Exemption Queries
Registration Exemption Query – The registration exemption query for this exemption configuration.
Profile Exemption Query – The profile exemption query for this exemption configuration.
Renewal Exemption Query – The renewal exemption query for this exemption configuration.
CE Plan Exemption Query – The continuing education plan exemption query for this exemption configuration.
The new CE Audit Control entity (lrn_auditcontrol) has the following attributes:
Name – The name of the continuing education audit control.
Audit Year – The continuing education audit year.
Start Date – The continuing education audit start date.
End Date – The continuing education audit end date.
Status – The lookup to the Audit Control Status entity.
Registration Category – The lookup to the Registration Category entity.
Registration Class – The lookup to the Registration Class entity.
Registration Status – The lookup to the Registration Status entity.
Audit Exemption – The lookup to the CE Audit Exemption entity.
Number Manager Name – The format of the numbers for the named audit control.
Percentage – The percentage of the audit amount in decimals.
Initial E-mail Template – The lookup to the initial email in the E-mail Template entity within the Communications module.
Reminder E-mail Template – The lookup to the reminder email in the E-mail Template within the Communications module.
Late E-mail Template – The lookup to the past due date email in the E-mail Template entity within the Communications module.
The new CE Audit entity (lrn_ceaudit) has the following attributes:
Name – The name of the continuing education audit.
Audit Number – The continuing education audit number.
Profile – The lookup to the Profile entity.
Registration – The lookup to the Registration Detail entity.
CE Plan – The lookup to the Continuing Education Plan entity.
Audit Control – The lookup to the CE Audit Control entity.
Audit Year – The audit year.
Start Date – The audit start date.
Completed Date – The audit completed date.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes
2. After synchronizing an entity that has two records, where one record was created before a new attribute was created in the entity’s metadata and the second record was created after and has a value for the new attribute, the column designated for the new attribute will now display a value for the second record instead of being empty.
5. After updating the Primary option to “Yes” or “Unset” on an employment record in the platform, address details (city, state, zip code) within employment records in the Online Registry search results will now be properly synchronized with the platform employment records.
Config – Employment
Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements
1. CE Audit: In TC 2.0, record selection is now automatic for the Continuing Education (CE) audit functionality. This new feature will randomly select 10% of licensees for the CE audit. Additionally, this functionality considers military and first-time licensees.
Licensee Portal
2. Search for ‘License Status’ and ‘License Type’ not working in Online Registry for French Texts: When the Public Register locale is set to French, searching for ‘License Status’ and ‘License Type’ using French text will now return the results in French.
Online Registry
3. Employer Pay: The ability to allow businesses (or entities) to pay for invoices of associated individual licensees is now possible.
Rules for this new feature:
The employer pay feature can be enabled/disabled through the Platform configuration
Individual licensees will always initiate the request.
In the Application and the Licensee Portals, the Employer Pay will be a special payment method on all the payment pages.
In the case of multiple employment relationships, the user will be prompted to select the business / employer.
At submission time, the invoice will be created like an offline payment. The selected business / employer must be associated with the invoice.
The Business Licensing portal now has a new menu item dedicated to employer pay.
This page will display all invoices requested by associated individual licensees.
This page needs will allow doing multiple selections.
Since the application approval process is automated after each invoice payment, there is a limit on how many invoices can be paid at a time.
This page will display the total amount.
This page will have pagination.
There will only be one payment transaction, but the payment will be allocated to each invoice item in each invoice accordingly while recording the same credit card transaction code.
Logging into the Platform will be required.
Individual licensees will still be able to see their invoice, and they will be able to select employer pay and then pay themselves.
Business Portal Structure – Link Licensee to Licensed Business: A licensee can now be linked to a licensed business so that the business can provide payment for their fees.
Business Portal Structure – Pay Employee Licensing Fees: Business administrators can now pay any of the employees’ fees to ensure that their employees’ application gets processed.
Business Portal Structure – Request Employer Payment of Fees: A licensee can now request that their employer pay for their application/license/renewal fees as part of their renewal so that they do not have to request reimbursement.
Business Portal Structure – Configure Fee Payments Made by Business: Agency system administrators can now configure whether a business/facility license type can pay fees on behalf of licensed employees.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Application Portal / Licensee Portal / Business Licensing
4. Integrate with Secrets Manager to eliminate sharing of passwords and API keys to enable support/manual implementation: The Thentia Cloud Platform has been modified to integrate with GCP Secrets Manager in order to eliminate the sharing of passwords and API keys, which are sensitive or restricted information.
5. Business Profile Number: The ability to configure whether a profile number or business id is generated for a business is now possible through Portal Configuration with the new Generate Business ID (Yes/No/Unset) radio button.
Also, the ability to view the generated profile number for a business is now possible in the Business entity with the Business ID text field.
Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Multiple Locations
6. Custom public register results column layout: There is now a way to customize the column layout displayed on the results page of the Public Register.
To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), there are new attributes:
In the Public Register Configuration section:
The new “Individual Register Custom Column Layout” field is used to enter a comma-separated list of fields that specify the column layout on the Public Register results page.
Only fields that already exist in the Public Register Record can be used for the individual register custom column layout.
In the Business Public Register section:
The new “Business Register Custom Column Layout” field is used to enter a comma-separated list of fields that specify the column layout on the Public Register result page.
The new “Facility Register Custom Column Layout” field is used to enter a comma-separated list of fields that specify the column layout on the Public Register result page.
Only fields that already exist in the Business Public Register Record can be used for either of the business or facility custom column layout.
Bug – Add the ability to show/hide Disciplinary Action on Public Register: In the Public Register Configuration section of the Portal Configuration entity (port_site):
When the “Show Discipline Notices Table when empty?” radio button is set to “No” the Disciplinary Action column will not be displayed in the search results on the View Details page of the Public Register.
Otherwise, when the “Show Discipline Notices Table when empty?” radio button is set to “Yes”, the Disciplinary Action column will be displayed in the search results on the View Details page of the Public Register.Note: Configuration assistance is required.
Online Registry
Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes
4. For custom pages, after selecting a value from a dropdown field that is linked to a custom event (e.g., onChange), when the method in the custom code is triggered by the custom event, the dropdown field will now display the new value instead of the previous value.
13. When a non-licensee or non-registered user attempts to login to the Azure AD B2C Application Portal, Licensee Portal, School Portal, or Inspector Portal, a message is now displayed indicating that the user does not have access to the portal.
Multiple Locations
15. In the portal header, the extra spacing between the name of the school and the profile username has been removed.
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