Release Date: 23rd September, 2022

Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements

Description Location

1. FSRA Azure AD Integration: Azure AD Authentication can now be enabled for the Thentia Cloud Platform for a specific domain.

Once the feature is enabled, users for the specified domain will be redirected to Azure AD to log in. The following is applicable with using this new feature:

  • Users must be assigned to at least one AD Group to gain access to Thentia Cloud.
  • For each AD Group that contains users, a corresponding Privilege Group must exist in Thentia Cloud with the External Group ID set to the Object ID of the Group in Azure AD.
  • During login, if a user does not already exist in Thentia Cloud, the user will be created as long as they belong to a valid Azure AD Group.
  • User access to Thentia Cloud can be disabled independently of Azure AD.
  • Users belonging to another domain will be able to log in using the default Thentia Cloud SSO.
  • Users should have the access as defined by the Privilege Groups they belong to in Thentia Cloud.

The following integration interface requirements have been met as part of this Single Sign-On solution:

  • External System: Value = Active Directory
  • Inbound / Outbound / Bidirectional: Value = Bidirectional
  • Mode of Integration (Real-Time, File-Based, Event-Based): Value = Real-Time
  • Portals / Workflows Impacted: Value = Platform: Login
  • Description of Integration Requirements: Value = Integration with Azure Directory for SSO. Azure Directory will provide information on registration, sign-on, password reset, etc.
  • Data Transport Mechanism: Value = Real-Time API Integration
  • Security Requirements
  • Frequency: Value = Real-Time
  • Failure Handling Strategy
  • File Repository Location
  • Anticipated Volumes: Value = 15K logins per day
  • Field Specifications include the following fields:
    • ID #
    • Data Type
    • Source Entity
    • Source Field Required
    • Target Entity
    • Target Field
    • Username / E-Mail (required)
    • Password (required)

2. Field Creation to submit CE, if CE program ends on the same license end date: Submitting continuing education (CE) plans with renewals is now possible with the creation of the Submit Independent CE’s with Renewal (Yes/No/Unset) radio button in the Continuing Education Program entity (lrn_professionaldevelopmentperiod). When this radio button is set to “Yes”, the independent CE plans will be submitted during the renewal process if the end date of the CE plan is the same as the registration end date.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Config – Continuing Education Program

3. Employment change approval workflow related entities: Since both a licensed business and individual licensee can modify employment records, an approval workflow has been implemented for employment changes. For Sprint 9, only a new association leads to an employment change request, but all types of changes (add, edit, terminate) can trigger notifications if configured.

To facilitate the use of this new feature, the following entities were either updated or added:

Existing Entities Updated:
In the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), there is now an Employment Change Notifications section with the following radio buttons:

  • New employment association notification to the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending a new employment association notification to the business.
  • New employment association notification to the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending a new employment association notification to the individual.
  • New employment association notification to the regulator (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending a new employment association notification to the regulator.
  • New employment association approval by the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending a new employment association approval notification to the business.
  • New employment association approval by the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending a new employment association approval notification to the individual.
  • Employment association modification notification to the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending an employment association modification notification to the business.
  • Employment association modification notification to the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending an employment association modification notification to the individual.
  • Employment association Termination notification to the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending an employment association termination notification to the business.
  • Employment association Termination notification to the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending an employment association termination notification to the individual.
  • Employment association Termination notification to the regulator (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows sending an employment association termination notification to the regulator.

New Entities Added:
The Employment Change Status entity (reg_employmentchangerequeststatus) has been created with the “Name” attribute to store the names of various employment change statuses.

The Employment Change Request entity (reg_employmentchangerequest) has been created:
 Employment Change Request section:

  • Name – The name of the employment request.
  • Submitted Date – The date the employment request was submitted.
  • Submitted by Individual (Yes) / Business (No) – The individual or business that submitted the employment request.
  • Status – The status of the change request.
  • Decision Date – The date the decision was made about the change request.
  • Decision Reason – The reason for rejecting the employment change request.

Employment Change Details section:

  • Profile – The lookup to the Employee entity.
  • License Details – The lookup to the license detail in the Registration Detail entity.
  • Position – The other position of employment. This is not currently used but may be enabled for use in future sprints.
  • E-mail Address – The email address of the employee.
  • Telephone – The telephone number of the employee.
  • Key Contact – The lookup to the employee’s key contact in the Key Contact entity.
  • Employment Type – The lookup to Employment Type entity.
  • Start Date – The employment start date.
  • End Date – The employment end date.
  • Nature of Work – The nature of work at the place of employment.
  • Primary – This indicates the primary place of employment.
  • Related to Profession – This indicates whether the type of work done at the place of employment by the employee is related to the employee’s profession.

Relationships section:

  • Business – The lookup to the Business entity.
  • Business License – The lookup to the Business License entity.
  • Facility – The lookup to the business Facility entity.
  • Facility Location – The lookup to the Facility Location entity.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Config – Employment Change Request / Employment Change Status / Portal Configuration

4. Configuration to turn off business name and number uniqueness validation: The ability to disable uniqueness validation on business names and business numbers has been implemented.

To facilitate the use of this feature, in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), the following two attributes have been added:

  • Disable business name uniqueness validation (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether to disable business name uniqueness validation. In the Business Licensing portal: When this is set to “Yes”, the business name uniqueness validation will not occur. When this is set to “No”, the business name uniqueness validation will occur.
  • Disable business number uniqueness validation (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether to disable business number uniqueness validation. In the Business Licensing portal: When this is set to “Yes”, the business number uniqueness validation will not occur. When this is set to “No”, the business number uniqueness validation will occur.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Config – Portal Configuration

5.Configuration, show initial license date of the current license: The customer request to show the initial license date of the subject license on the Public Register has been completed.

To facilitate the use of this new functionality, in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site) the following changes were made:

  • Show Initial License Date (Yes/No/Unset) – This displays the correct licensure date of the current license (i.e., the initial date) when “Yes” is selected in the portal.
  • The “Show Original Date of Licensure” (Yes/No/Unset) radio button label has been renamed to “Show Original Date of Licensure from all Licenses”.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Config – Portal Configuration

6. Attribute creation – Registration Category: In the Registration Class entity (reg_classofregistration), a new attribute called “Category” has been added to store the category for the registration class.

Config – Registration Class

7. Entity/Field Creation: Reinstatement + Related: To support processing reinstatements through the Licensee Portal the following entities have been modified and/or added:

Existing Entities Updated
Registration Status entity (reg_registrationstatus)

  • Allow Reinstatement (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the registration status allows reinstatement.
  • Can be requested as Destination in Reinstatement (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the registration status can be requested as a destination in the reinstatement process.
  • Renamed “Disable CE in Renewal” radio button label to “Disable CE in Renewal/Reinstatement”.

Registration Class entity (reg_classofregistration)

  • Allow Reinstatement (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the registration class allows reinstatement.
  • Reinstatement Period in days after Renewal – The reinstatement period in days after the renewal period ends. If left empty, reinstatement is always available.

Attestation entity (reg_attestation)

  • Reinstatement Process (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the attestation applies to the reinstatement process.

Portal Configuration entity (port_site)
Portal Settings Section

  • Enable Reinstatement Module (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the reinstatement module is enabled.

Portal Custom Page Process entity (port_custompageprocess)

  • Reinstatement Process (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the portal custom page process applies to the reinstatement process.

Submitted Document entity (reg_submitteddocument)

  • Registration Reinstatement – The lookup to the Reinstatement entity.

Fee Waiver entity (reg_feewaiver)

  • License Reinstatement – The lookup to the Reinstatement entity.

New Entities Added

Reinstatement Status entity (reg_reinstatementstatus)

  • Name – The name of the reinstatement status.
  • Name String Resource – The name string resource key for the reinstatement status.

Reinstatement entity (reg_reinstatement)
Reinstatement Details section:

  • Name – The name of the reinstatement.
  • Profile – The lookup to the Profile entity.
  • Registration – The lookup to the Registration Detail entity.
  • Invoice – The lookup to the Invoice entity.
  • Status – The lookup to the Reinstatement Status entity.
  • Submission Details – The reinstatement submission details.
  • Submitted Date – The date and time the reinstatement details were submitted.
  • Approval Date – The date and time of the reinstatement approval.

Changes section:

  • Current Registration Status – The lookup to the current registration status in the Registration Status entity.
  • Destination Registration Status – The lookup to the destination registration status in the Registration Status entity.
  • Status Change Request Reason – The change reason for the registration status.
  • Certifies no Employment History to share (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates that the applicant has no employment history to share.

Reinstatement Instructions entity (reg_reinstatementinstructions)

  • Name – The name of the reinstatement instructions.
  • Name String Resource – The name string resource key for the reinstatement instructions.
  • Registration Class – The lookup to the Registration Class entity.
  • Instructions – The reinstatement instructions.
  • Instructions String Resource – The string resource key for the reinstatement instructions.

Reinstatement Required Document entity (reg_reinstatementrequireddocument)

  • Name – The name of the reinstatement required document.
  • Reinstatement Instructions – The lookup to the Reinstatement Instructions entity.
  • Registration Class – The lookup to the Registration Class entity.
  • Document Type – The lookup to the Document Type entity.
  • Display Ordinal – The number indicating the display order of the reinstatement required document.
  • Must Upload Online (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates whether the reinstatement required document must be uploaded online.

Reinstatement Declaration entity (reg_reinstatementdeclaration)

  • Profile – The lookup to the Profile entity.
  • Reinstatement – The lookup to the Reinstatement entity.
  • Declaration Question – The lookup to the Declaration Question entity.
  • Answer (Yes/No/Unset) – The answer to the reinstatement declaration question.
  • Answer Details – The answer details for the reinstatement declaration.

Reinstatement Attestation entity (reg_reinstatementattestation)

  • Profile – The lookup to the Profile entity.
  • Reinstatement – The lookup to the Reinstatement entity.
  • Attestation – The lookup to the Attestation entity.
  • Answer (Yes/No/Unset) – This indicates the answer to the reinstatement attestation question.

Reinstatement Fee entity (reg_reinstatementfee)

  • Name – The name for the reinstatement fee.
  • Fee Item – The lookup to the Fee Item entity.
  • Registration Class – The lookup to the Registration Class entity.
  • Registration Status – The lookup to the Registration Status entity.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements

Description Location

1. Configuration option to turn off the business name validation in the business portal: The customer request to be able to disable uniqueness validation on business names and business numbers has been implemented with the setting of the following two new radio attributes in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site):

  • Disable business name uniqueness validation (Yes/No/Unset), which is used to disable the business name validation in the Business License portal.
  • Disable business number uniqueness validation (Yes/No/Unset), which is used to disable the business number validation in the Business License portal.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal

2. Retain registration number while in same registration category (License Generation/Promotion): The customer request has been implemented to have registrants retain the same registration number as they move from one license to another (i.e., from student, to provisional, to full licensure) in the same registration category (i.e., reg category #1 = Pharmacist, reg category #2 = Pharmacy Technician) so that the registrant is able to be tracked throughout their tenure with the regulator.

To facilitate the use of this new feature, within the Registration Class entity (reg_classofregistration), there is now a Category attribute, which must be filled in to apply it to the registration class.

PEICP registrants are organized in the following way:

  • General Pharmacists
  • Provisional Pharmacists
  • Special Registration
  • Pharmacy student registration

Pharmacy Technicians

  • General Pharmacy Technicians
  • Provisional Pharmacy Technicians
  • Special Registration
  • Pharmacy technician student registration

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal

3. Profile Number – Display in Portal: The following have been implemented:

  • As a licensee, a unique identifier that is not the licensee’s license number is now used to identify the licensee as an individual to make it easier to be identified when reaching out to the regulator.
  • As an agency staff administrator, the ability to enable or disable displaying a unique identifying number that is not a license number of an individual is now available. This number will either be visible or hidden to users based on configuration.
  • As agency staff, the ability to easily identify or locate an individual by a unique identifier when they reach out to the college is now available.
  • As a business user, the ability to easily locate an individual and their license (if applicable) when adding the staff member or board member using a unique identifier that is not a license number is now possible.

Also, when a user is logged into the portal, their name within the Profile section in the portal header / banner will appear with the business acronym or individual’s name and the unique id (e.g., AGENCYACRONYM ID# xxxxxxx).

This feature requires the existing “Generate Profile Number” and “Use Profile Number as Registration Number” radio buttons to be set to “Yes” in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site). Also, the Display Format and Display Arguments for the profile number should be setup in the Number Manager entity (tc_numbermanager). For example, the profile number can be configured with the following:

  • Name – The name of the number manager (e.g., “profile.number”).
  • Next Number – The next number in the sequence (e.g., 52)
  • Display Formatting – The display format of the number (e.g.,  {1,date,YYYY}-{0,number,0000} ).

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Business Licensing

4. CE Proration: The customer request to add support for continuing education (CE) proration based on the registrant has been implemented. For this new feature, the following applies for the first renewal:

  • Agency staff will manually assign the ‘end date’ (Expiration Date) for the initial license period.
  • The system will calculate, display, and enforce the prorated minimum number of CE credits that are required to be submitted.
  • For all subsequent renewals the Expiration Date will be calculated as 2 years from the most recent Expiration Date, and the minimum number of CE credits required to be submitted are also standardized per license class.
Licensee Portal

5. Reinstatement functionality: The reinstatement functionality has been implemented. The Reinstatement workflow follows the same steps as the renewal workflow but has a separate set of configurations and includes an Instructions page. After approval through the Platform, the status is changed, and the effective/expiry dates are updated based on the registration class configuration.

The reinstatement functionality includes the following:

  • Default license statuses: Active, Inactive, Expired, Suspended, Revoked, Deceased, Terminated. (Only staff can assign Revoked, Deceased, Terminated.)
  • Once licensure is issued License Status is assigned as ‘Active’.
  • If the licensee fails to submit the Renewal prior to Expiration Date the license status will be automatically changed to ‘Expired’. With this status the regulator may temporarily allow licensees a grace period during which the licensee can submit renewal, potentially with the addition of a Late Renewal Fee.
  • Once the licensee has exceeded the grace period, the license status is automatically changed to ‘Suspended’ and the licensee is required to reinstate.
  • If a license is required to reinstate, they must reinstate their license using the License Reinstatement functionality. Using the same login credentials the licensee would log in and be presented with the ability to submit Reinstatement. The reinstatement process may require any or all of specific Application Instructions, Required Documents, Declarations, Attestations, and fee(s). Once the reinstatement is complete the reinstated registration will maintain the initial registration number.
  • A regulator may also require that if a licensee exceeds a certain amount of time past the initial registration Expiration Date, the license is no longer eligible to be reinstated and the individual must re-apply for a new license. Once the re-application is complete the new registration will have a new registration number.
  • The Reinstatement page will appear if:
    • The ‘Allow Reinstatement’ (Yes/No/Unset) radio button is set to ‘Yes’ for that specific registration class in the Registration Status entity (reg_registrationstatus).
    • The expiry date of the registration is past the renewal period but within the reinstatement period.
    • The Status of the registration should be ‘Suspended’.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Licensee Portal

6. License Period Fixed 1 Year – CEs Due Every 3rd Renewal: Changes have been made to the license period functionality to support the continuing education (CE) renewal period. As part of the solution, the client will manually adjust the license expiry and CE expiry for the first license period after the application approval. The CE should also be configured as 3 years rolling so it can work for all subsequent cycles after the initial license approval.

To facilitate this new functionality in the portal, two features have been implemented:

  • A CE program will be created on application approval so that staff can modify the CE program right after approval.
  • The CE submission will be enforced if a rolling CE program ends on the same license end date.
Licensee Portal

7. Add paragraphs on dashboard, declarations, attestations, name change request: The ability to be able to display simple notices and/or pass information to registrants in editable paragraphs (placeholders) is now possible on the Dashboard, Declarations, Attestations, and Name Change Request pages.

Multiple Locations

8. Azure AD B2C email update: When an existing user changes their email address in Azure, upon the next login into the portal, the portal user’s email address will also be correctly updated and uniquely identified by the object id.

Business Licensing

9. Employment approval workflow: The approval workflow has been modified. The approval workflow only concerns the employment association between a licensed individual and a licensed business. When reporting an employment association with an unlicensed party it will directly modify the Employment entity.

Employment change approval workflow related entities: An approval workflow has been implemented for employment changes to accommodate when licensed businesses and individual licensees modify employment records.

In the Portal Configuration entity (port_site), there is now an Employment Change Notifications section with the following radio buttons:

  • New employment association notification to the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This sends an email notification to the associated licensed business when a new employment record is created when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • New employment association notification to the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This sends an email notification to the associated licensed individual when a new employment record is created when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • New employment association notification to the regulator (Yes/No/Unset) – This creates a queue item for each new employment association when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • New employment association approval by the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows the associated licensed business to be able to approve or reject new employment associations within the business portal when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • New employment association approval by the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This allows the associated licensed individual to approve or reject new employment associations when this is set to “Yes” in the Licensee Portal.
  • Employment association modification notification to the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This sends an email notification to the associated licensed business when the employment record is modified by the associated individual when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • Employment association modification notification to the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This sends an email notification to the associated licensed individual when the employment record is modified by the associated business when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • Employment association Termination notification to the business (Yes/No/Unset) – This sends an email notification to the associated licensed business when the employment record is terminated by the associated individual when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • Employment association Termination notification to the individual (Yes/No/Unset) – This sends an email notification to the associated licensed individual when the employment record is terminated by the associated business when this is set to “Yes” in the portal.
  • Employment association Termination notification to the regulator (Yes/No/Unset) – This creates a queue item for each terminated employment association.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Business Licensing

10. Parent Ticket: Introducing Parent-child business relationship: The parent-child business relationship has been implemented to support users of a child business (e.g., branch office) to log in to the portal and manage everything related to this child business. Once logged in, child business users will be able to use most features of the existing portal and any future features that are implemented.

Additional enhancements / tickets were completed to accommodate this new feature:

Updates to the business portal navigation menu: The following modifications were made:

  • Menu categories are not selectable, only the menu options that fall under the categories can be selected.
  • Custom processes or pages will now be displayed in the last custom section for the standard nav bar.
  • Clicking on the business name that is displayed at the top of the nav bar will now open the Select Business page.
  • If no business is selected, then the “selected business” string resource will be displayed.

Updates to the business profile page: In the portal, on the Business Information page, the following attributes have been added:

  • Does this Business have a parent business (Yes/No) – This indicates the business has a parent business when “Yes” is selected. The Parent must be selected in the Business record for this value to be selected.
  • Parent Business Name – The lookup to the name of the parent business in the business record. This is automatically populated if a parent exists.

Updates to the select business page: In the portal, on the Select Business page, the following are now available:

  • The Create New Business button has been added to this page to allow adding information for new businesses.
  • The Select Business table now has a “Parent Company” column that indicates the name of the parent company and an “Is Parent Company” column, which indicates this is a parent company when the value is set to “Yes”.
  • There is now a search bar to allow filtering for the business name in the Select Business table.
Business Licensing

11. Portal header banner update: The user profile or Personal Information drop down is now working properly in the portal header banner for mobile and desktop devices. Clicking the Personal Information link will open the Personal Information page, clicking the Account Settings link opens with the Account Settings page, and the user is logged out of the port after clicking Logout.

This change impacts the following portals:

  • Application Portal
  • Licensee Portal
  • Business Licensing Portal
  • School Portal
  • Inspection Portal
  • Complaint Portal
Multiple Locations

12. Mobile Nav Bar Style Update: The mobile navigation bar has been modified to follow a new layout style which more clearly identifies the menu categories and category items.

This change impacts the following portals:

  • Application Portal
  • Licensee Portal
  • Business Licensing Portal
  • School Portal
  • Inspection Portal
  • Complaint Portal
Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes

Description Location

1. After creating a business license account, the Personal Information page will now always display all fields enabled, including the Birth Date field.

Business Licensing Portal

2. The Download (.csv) button has been fixed for business licenses and will now download applicable documents when the button is clicked.

Business Licensing Portal

3. The correct licensure date of the current license will now be displayed based on the setting of the new “Show Initial License Date” (Yes/No/Unset) radio button in the Portal Configuration entity (port_site). The Initial Date of Licensure will be displayed in the Public Registry when this radio button is selected.

Also, the “Show Original Date of Licensure” (Yes/No/Unset) radio button label has been renamed to “Show Original Date of Licensure from all Licenses”.

Online Registry

4. Within the Supervision Details section of the Supervision Agreement entity (reg_supervisionagreement), the Name attribute is now displayed properly.

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