Release Date: 13th July, 2022

Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements

Description Location

1. Platform static file hosting and Portal Static File Portal Lookup: Portal Custom Codes can be created to add customized page logic to existing portal pages and custom pages. Special actions can be achieved by attaching portal custom code. Portal custom code can also intercept and change the standard page behavior. Portal custom code is added by creating a JavaScript file which contains the logic.

To facilitate this new feature, static files, such as JavaScript files and PNG images, can now be uploaded through the portal and hosted on the Platform with the creation of the Portal Static File entity (port_staticfile). Each file will be uniquely identified by a name and can be retrieved using a publicly available Platform endpoint (URL), specified by its unique name.

The attributes are:

  • Portal – This is a lookup to the portal in the Portal entity. It distinguishes which portal a static file belongs to and will load from.
  • Name – The name required to identify the static file on the portal.
  • File Name – The file name that uniquely identifies the static file. The file name will also be displayed on the Files page under the Files & Activities section of the Static file record.
  • Active – The static file is active when this is set to ‘Yes’. It is inactive when set to ‘No’.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations

2. The left navigation menu is now configurable on portals. New categories and menu items can be added, updated, or removed from the left navigation menu.

To facilitate the use of this functionality:

  • The Portal Navigation Category entity (port_navigationcategory) was created to group menu items under categories in the Navigation menu.
    The attributes are:


    • Name – The name of the category in the portal left navigation menu.
    • Name String Resource Key – The name string resource used for localization of this category name in the portal left navigation menu.
  • The Portal Navigation Item entity (port_navigationitem) was created to represent an individual menu item in the left navigation menu.
    The attributes are:


    • Name – The name of the menu item in the left navigation menu.
    • Name String Resource – The name string resource used for localization of this menu item name in the portal left navigation menu.
    • Display Ordinal – Assigns the order in which the menu item is displayed in the left navigation menu.
    • Portal – The lookup to the portal in the Portal Page entity.
    • Navigation Category – The lookup to the navigation category in the Portal Navigation Category entity.
    • Portal Page – The lookup to the portal page in the Portal Page entity. This creates the link between the portal page and the menu item.
    • Conditions Metadata – Some pages only show conditionally based on configurations and/or user data. This field is used to store conditions in JSON format, which will be parsed and evaluated in the code.
  • In the existing Portal Page entity (port_portalpage), the ‘Name String Resource’ attribute is used for localization of the portal page name.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations

3. To facilitate the use of configurable navigation menus, some fields that were flagged as “Required” have been made optional:

  • Since not all menu items must have an associated category, the “Required” field in the Navigation Category field’s metadata of the Portal Navigation Item entity (port_navigationitem) has been left unchecked.
  • Custom pages will have no identifier (URL), therefore the “Required” field in the Unique Identifier field’s metadata within the Portal Page entity (port_portalpage) has been left unchecked.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations

4. A “County” entity has been created to store United States of America county information to be used to determine applicable fees per county when processing application/licensee/renewal fees. Also, configuration options for address forms have been added to various entities to optionally flag fields as required on all portals.

To facilitate the use of these new features:

  • The County entity (reg_county) was created.
    The attributes in this entity are:


    • County – The county name.
    • State – The lookup to the state or province
    • String Resource Key – The string resource key for localizing the county name.
  • In the existing Portal Configuration entity (port_site), there is a new attribute:
    • County is Required? – This indicates that displaying the County field is required in the Portals when set to “Yes”.
  • In the existing Profile entity (reg_profile), there is a new attribute:
    • County – This is a lookup to the County entity.
  • In the existing Business entity (reg_permitholder), there are two new attributes:
    • Business County – This is a lookup to the business address county in the County entity.
    • Mailing County – This is a lookup to the mailing address county in the County entity.
  • In the existing Business Address Change entity (reg_permitholderaddresschangerequest), there are four new attributes:
    • Previous Business County – This is a lookup to the previous business address county in the County entity.
    • New Business County – This is a lookup to the new business address county in the County entity.
    • Previous Mailing County – This is a lookup to the previous mailing address county in the County entity.
    • New Mailing County – This is a lookup to the new mailing address county in the County entity.
  • In the existing School entity (lrn_school), there is a new attribute:
    • County – This is a lookup to the County entity.
  •  In the existing Facility Location entity (reg_facilitylocation), there is a new attribute:
    • County – This is a lookup to the County entity.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes

Description Location

3. The Applications Declaration Text area in the portal will now correctly display each new line of declarations in a single line of text (using paragraph tags <p>), rather than wrapping the text unnecessarily.

Config – Individual Registration Configuration

4. When using the Microsoft Edge browser version 101.0.1210.32, selecting different modules in the Platform will now display the selected modules.

Multiple Locations

5. Clicking on the “Download this record and its connections” or “Download All” button will now correctly result in the download of the record and any files associated with the record.

Multiple Locations

6. After clicking on the Certificate button to download a pdf file of the certificate, which contains special characters, the pdf file will be downloaded and can now be opened successfully.

Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements

Description Location

1. Variable Fees Depending on  County: Depending on the county census, regulators can charge different fees for application submissions. The ability to apply different fees depending on the county census has been implemented using custom code to process payments on the payment step of individual applications. The fees will be modified based on a percentage of the price.

Currently the custom code will modify the price based on the following county mappings:

  • Oklahoma = 90% of the price (0.9)
  • Garfield = 50% of the price (0.5)

Also, on the Personal Information page, the selected Country should be “United States of America” with the State set to “Oklahoma”. Select a County to ensure that county’s fee is applied.

For example, based on the above mappings, if there is a $200 fee/price and “Garfield” is the selected county, the fee will be reduced by 50% based on the percentage charged for that county, so the fee amount will be $100. However, if the selected county is “Oklahoma”, then the actual fee amount charged will be $180.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal

2. In the “Employment Information” page there is now an “Administrator of Record” (AOR) radio button that identifies the administrator of records when the value is set to “Yes”. The Administrator of Record modification is accomplished using custom pages/code that replaces the standard pages in the portal. The Employment Info and Employment Info Add/Edit pages have been recreated as custom pages and now replace the standard pages on the portal. This new feature affects Applications, Renewals, and the standalone pages on the Licensee Portal.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal/Licensee Portal

4. Program code refactoring has been completed.

  • All Portals (Application Portal, Business Portal, Inspection Portal, Licensee Portal, School Portal) will now include event hooks in all standard portal pages.
  • Custom pages will now include event hooks.
  • Static file hosting has been implemented on the Platform. Static files, such as JavaScript files and PNG images, can now be uploaded through the portal and hosted on the Platform with the creation of the Portal Static File entity.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.


5. The menu items in the left navigation menu of the portal can now be configured from the platform using the Portal Navigation Item entity (port_navigationitem). Each record in the Portal Navigation Item entity is a menu item. This feature provides the flexibility to choose and arrange menu items in any order.

To use this feature, there should be at least one record present in the Portal Navigation Item entity for the respective portal. If there are no records, then the existing navigation menu that is hardcoded in the backend will be shown.

The attributes in this entity are:

  • Name – The name of the menu item that will be displayed on the portal.
    Note: If the menu item is a custom page, the name should include the JSON.
  • Name String Resource – The name string resource used for localizing the Name of this attribute.
  • Display Ordinal – The display order of the menu item in the menu.
  • Portal – The portal to which the menu item belongs.
  • Navigation Category – Menu items can be grouped or categorized using this field.
  • Portal Page – Every menu item will be associated with a Portal Page. A menu item can either be a standard page, custom page or replace a standard page depending on how the corresponding Portal Page record is configured.
  • Conditions Metadata – Standard pages or menu items in the portal show conditionally based on configurations or user data. To mimic this functionality for custom pages (i.e., to conditionally show custom pages in a nav bar), an array of conditions in JSON format can be entered.

Types of pages that are used:

  • Standard Page – These are the pages that are hardcoded in the portal codebase. These pages have a unique URL in the context of respective portal.
    Custom Page – These are the pages that are not hardcoded in the portal backend and that can be configured directly from the platform using JSON.
  • Portal Page (port_portalpage) – This entity is used to represent the portal pages. The page can either be a standard page or a custom page.The attributes in this entity are:
    • Name – The name of the portal page.
    • Portal – The portal to which the page belongs.
    • Name String Resource – The name string resource for localizing the portal page name.
    • Unique Identifier – The unique URL of the page. This field is only populated for the standard pages.
    • Custom Page – The field used to associate the custom page with the portal Page.

Note:Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations

6. Enable hidden fields with pre-set values on custom forms: A new section called “hiddenFields” that defines hidden fields, and their pre-set values has been added in custom metadata. These fields are not displayed on forms; instead, their values are populated when saving the record to the Platform. Examples of hidden fields are date, status, and automatically generated numbers.

The hidden fields will be defined with the following:

  • itemType – The type of field. For example, ‘date, ‘dropdown’, ‘textbox’, ‘radio’, ‘recordnumber’ and ‘number’.
  • fieldName – The name of the field in the target entity.
  • staticValue – The static value that will be stored in this field. This can be a boolean, number, or string.
  • Alternatively, instead of staticValue, support for values that come from pre-defined executions can also be provided. For example, the only predefined execution required currently for the form submission date/time is now() or today().

Enable custom page to replace standard page: Through the Portal Page entity (port_portalpage), standard pages can now be replaced with custom pages. Once the custom page is setup, the original standard page will remain with the original page URL. Also, if a step page is replaced, the previous/next step will navigate to the previous/next step page and have the correct step number.

To facilitate this functionality, select the custom page from the Custom Page drop down in the standard portal page record. For example, select a nav Item page like the “Business Portal Inspection” page (/inspections) or a step page like the “Business Portal Business License Application Key Contact step” page (/application/key-contacts).

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Multiple Locations


Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes

Description Location

1. The login process has been modified to only allow one login profile per portal user. A portal user will not be able to login to the portal if their Profiles page in the Portal User entity has multiple profiles.

Application Portal

2. A registration that does not have a CE Plan can now submit a renewal without payment configuration.

Application Portal

3. The Declarations form has been modified to correctly display all declaration statements in line with the declaration number that they are associated.

Application Portal

4. On the Other License pages for applications or licensees, when adding a new record, the correct field label “License / Certificate Title” is now displayed, instead of the previous label “Type”.

Application Portal/Licensee Portal

5. When using the internal notification E-mail Template, the emails will now be generated, even if there is no Profile Id. The ‘To E-mail Address’ will need to be populated in the template.


6. After clicking on the Certificate button to download a pdf file that contains special characters, the pdf file will be downloaded and can now be opened successfully.

Licensee Portal

7. Under License in the left navigation menu, click on Document Upload and within the tables on that page, the correct text will now be displayed for the Document Type.

Licensee Portal

8. After the Issued Date of a supporting document is entered for a license application and then the document is submitted (from the “Requested Documents” section of the Document Upload page in the Licensee Portal), the record of the submitted document will now correctly display the Issued Date of the document in the Register module.

Licensee Portal

9. Email communications that are sent to licensees and received through Gmail, will now display the correct images and messages, instead of “program code”.

Multiple Locations

10. After submitting an online complaint form, the Complainant name which displays on the View page will now also be automatically displayed on the record in the Complaints module.

Online Complaint

11. The Public Register search feature will no longer consider the ‘Created By’ and ‘Modified By’ fields.

Online Registry
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