Release Date: 8th June, 2022

Thentia Cloud Platform Enhancements

Description Location

1. The following Standard financial reports have been implemented:

  • Revenue by Account – Used for general revenue reporting for a defined date range. Sums the payments received by invoice items (and account code associated with each invoice item).Information provided in this report:
    • Item
    • Account Code
    • Amount Received
    • Amount Refunded
  • Transaction Report – This associates payment amounts with a transaction ID from a payment processor within a defined date range. This report only breaks information down by payment method and the amount received per transaction, based on the date the record was recorded for reconciliation with a credit card statement or tracking check/money orders. Information provided in this report:
    • Payment Method
    • Transaction ID
    • Reference Number (manual payments)
    • Total Amount
    • Invoice Number
    • Last Name
    • Application Number (optional)
        • Payment Method
        • Amount Received
        • Amount Refunded
  • Transaction Summary – This provides a total of the amounts per payment method within a defined date range. Essentially, this is a summary of the Transaction Report above. Information provided in this report:
    • Payment Method
    • Amount Received
    • Amount Refunded
    • Total (Received / Refunded)

2. A new payment microservice has been added to the platform server to redirect the user to the payment page when a user attempts to make a payment in the portal. This payment page will act as a Thentia payment provider by collecting and saving the user’s credit card information for current and future transactions.


3. A workflow that triggers events and action sequences to create, update and delete a record has been added to the Thentia Cloud Platform. This provides advanced users and developers with the capability to add greater customizations.


4. For some clients, automatic license renewal reminder emails will be sent out to the licensees 60, 30, and 7 days before their license expiry date. These emails would go out to licensees in the following registration classes:

  • Licensed Midwife (MIDW)
  • Licensed Genetic Counselor (LGC)
  • Hearing Aid Dealer and Fitter (HADF)
  • Registered Professional Sanitarian (RPS)
  • Registered Professional Environmental Specialist (RPES)
  • Registered Professional Environmental Specialist (RPES)
  • Registered Professional Sanitarian (RPS)

5. In the Configuration module, the Can Download Certificate radio button has been added to the following:

  • Within the Business Registration section and on the Permit Status entity
  • Within the Facilities section and on the Facility Status entity

Selecting the ‘yes’ option will allow the user to download a copy of their license certificate in the Application Portal.

Config - Business Reg Configuration / Facilities Configuration

6. For Business and Facility renewals, a Status Change Reason attribute has been added to allow the user to specify the reason for the status change in the instance where the destination status differs from the current.

Note: The Change Notes attribute in Facility Renewals already captures the reason for the status change and can be used in the same way as the Status Change Reason attribute.

Config – Business Reg Configuration / Facilities Configuration

7. For Business and Facility Renewals and to allow the user to configure the license status names and ensure that the correct status remains assigned on renewal approval, in the Business License Status entity, within the Permit Status section, and in the Facility Status entity, within the Facility Status section, the following changes were made:

  • The Can be requested as Destination Status for Renewal radio button has been added to allow the user to select the license destination status. This will now match how the individual Licensee Portal handles status assignment on renewal approval.
  • The Change Request Requires Documentation radio button has been added to include a conditionally required upload field if the destination status is different from the current. Whether the upload is required will depend on the setting of this radio button on the status. The user will be required to upload supporting documents once this is set to ‘yes’.
Config – Individual Reg Configuration / Business Reg Configuration – Business License Renewals / Facilities Configuration – Facility Renewals

8. The assigned status when a registration is created upon an application’s approval is now configurable in the following entities by selecting the status to use in the following new lookup dropdowns:

  • The Approval License Status dropdown in the Application Type section of the Application Type entity for Individual licensing.
  • The Approval License Status drop-down within the Application Type section of the Business License Application Type (Permit Application Type) entity for Business licensing.
  • The Approval License Status drop-down within the Application Type section of the Facility Application Type entity for Facilities Licensing.
Config – Individual Reg Configuration / Business Reg Configuration / Facilities Configuration

9. Authorizations are sub-licenses within an individual registration type that must be linked to a License Class through the Authorization Class entity, and which are only valid if the primary licenses are valid. Individual authorizations may function on a different schedule than individual registrations, and each will require its own application process.

To facilitate authorizations, the following entities have either been added or updated:

  • In the Authorization entity, within the Authorization Details section:
    • Name
    • Authorization Number
    • Profile
    • Authorization Class
    • Status
    • Initial Date (Registration Date)
    • Current Date
    • Expiration Date
    • Name
    • License Class
    • Name String Resource
    • Inactive
  • In the Authorization Class entity, within the Controls section:
    • Period Based on License Period
    • Number of License Period Months
    • License Period Start (mm-dd)
    • License Period End (mm-dd)
    • Renewal Period Start Days before Expiry (days before expiry)
    • Renewal Period End Days after Expiry (days after expiry)
  • In the Authorization Status entity, within the Authorization Status section:
    • Name
    • Name String Resource
    • Inactive
  • within the Renewal Controls section:
    • Allow Renewal (yes / no / unset)
    • Allow as Renewal Destination (yes / no / unset)
  • In the Authorization Application entity, within the Application Details section:
    • Application Number
    • Profile
    • Authorization
    • Application Type
    • Application Status
    • Submitted Date
    • Decision Date
    • Registration Completed Date
  •  within the Invoices section:
    • Application Invoice
    • Registration Invoice·
  • In the Authorization Application Type entity, within the Application Type section:
    • Name String Resource
    • Description String Resource
    • License Class
    • Authorization Class
    • Authorization Status
    • Online Display Ordinal
    • Submission E-mail Template (lookup to
    • Communications Email Template)
    • Internal E-mail Template (lookup to
    • Communications Email Template)
    • Approval E-mail Template (lookup to
    • Communications Email Template)
    • License Payment E-mail Template (lookup to Communications Email Template)
  • The Authorization Application Status entity has been added.
  • In the Authorization Application Instructions entity, within the Instructions section:
    • Name
    • Name String Resource
    • Authorization Application Type
    • Instructions
    • Instructions String Resource
  • In the Authorization Application Required Document entity, within the Required Document section:
    • Name
    • Application Instructions
    • Document Type
    • Online Display Ordinal
    • Upload Online
  • In the Authorization Application Fee entity, within the Application Fee Details section:
    • Application Type
    • Registration Class
    • Fee Item
    • Registration Fee? (No = Application)
  • In the Authorization Application Declaration entity, within the Declaration Details section:
    • Name
    • Profile
    • Authorization Application
    • Authorization Declaration
    • Answer
    • Answer Details
  • In the Authorization Application Attestation entity, within the Attestation Details section:
    • Name
    • Profile
    • Authorization Application
    • Authorization Attestation
    • Answer
    • Answer Details
  • The Authorization Attestation entity has been added
  • The Authorization Declaration Question entity has been added.
  • In the Submitted Document entity: Entity, within the Related section:
    • Authorization Application
  • In the Portal Configuration entity: within the Portal Settings section:
    • Enable Authorization – This new radio button allows toggling the authorization hosting feature on/off in the Portal Site. Select ‘yes’ to turn it on.
  • within the Public Register Configuration section:
    Show Authorization on Public Register – When this is set to ‘yes’, a table with active authorizations is displayed.
  • In the Portal Custom Page Process entity: within the Applicable Process section:
    • Authorization Application Type
  • In the Fee Waiver entity: within the Related section:
    • Authorization Application
  • In the Authorization History entity: within the Authorization History section:
    • Authorization
    • Authorization Class
    • Authorization Status
    • Authorization Date
    • Expiration Date
    • Effective Date

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Config – Individual Reg Configuration / Portal Configuration

10. Configurable status on application and renewal approval.

The Inspector Portal can authenticate by checking if the user has an Active registration status. These applicable statuses are now configurable. To facilitate this:

  • In the Registration Status entity, the following two radio buttons have been added:
    • Allow Inspector Login – When this is set to ‘yes’, the inspector with an active registration can login to the Inspector Portal.
    • Active Supervisor Status – When this is set to ‘yes’, and a supervisor is being added to a Supervision Agreement, a search will be performed for registrations with an Active status.
  • In the Authorize Status entity, the following radio button has been added:
    • Active Supervisor Status – When this is set to ‘yes’, and a supervisor is being added to a Supervision Agreement, a search will be performed for authorizations with an Active status.
Config – Registration Configuration / Inspection Configuration

11. In the Registration Status entity, an ‘Include in Complaint Search’ radio button has been added. When making a complaint, the selected option will determine whether a licensee will be included in the Licensee search criteria depending on the registration status.

Config - Complaints Configuration

12. In the Payment Method entity, the Service Fee Percentage (%) attribute has been added to allow for calculating the service fee as a percentage of the fee items applicable to the portal process.

Config – Pay Configuration

13. In the Supervision Agreement Status entity, the Name String Resource attribute has been added to support localization and is required to be displayed in the portal within the ‘Board Approved Supervisors’ table.

Config – Portal Configuration

14. The ability to add custom pages to the menu navigation of a designated portal has been implemented. In the Portal Custom Page Process Entity, the Portal lookup dropdown has been added to allow users to select which portal a custom page will be added to.

Config – Portal Configuration

15. In the Portal Settings section, an ‘Enable Status Change Requests’ radio button has been added to allow toggling between enabling or disabling the Status Change Request in the left navigation menu of the Licensee portal.

Config – Portal Configuration

16. Expired authorizations can now be displayed on the Public Register with the addition of the Show Expired Authorizations on Public Register radio button. By default, only the active authorizations are shown but setting this option to ‘yes’ will also show the expired authorizations.

Config – Portal Configuration – Public Register Configuration

17. The status of being a supervisor is recorded in authorizations and in the Supervising Class entity, the Authorization Class lookup attribute is being used to define which authorization class is for supervisors.

In the Authorization Class entity, the Number Manager Name attribute has been added for generating the authorization number.

In the Authorization Application Type entity, within the Application Type section, when the ‘Is For Authorization Renewal Boolean’ attribute is set to ‘yes’, it will be used for the renewal process for the associated authorization class.

Config – Register Configuration

18. In the Registration Detail entity, a ‘Continue Education Exempt’ radio button has been added. When processing an application, selecting ‘yes’ will indicate the applicant is exempt from enrolling in continue education classes within the current cycle.

Config - Register Configuration

19. In the Submitted Document entity, the following attributes have been added in the sections as indicated:

  • In the Submitted Document section:
    • Due Date – The due date for submitting the document.
    • Submitted Date – The date the document was submitted. This is now an optional field and existed previously.
  • In the Document Information section:
    • Document Issued Date – The date the submitted document was issued.
    • Document Issuer – The issuer of the submitted document.
Config - Register Configuration

20. In the Registration Status entity, a Disable CE Renewal Step radio button has been added to determine whether the continuing education (CE) step will be disabled during the registration renewal process. If this radio button set to ‘yes’, the CE step will be skipped during a registration renewal.

Config - Register Configuration

21. In the Facility Application Type entity, a Pending Facility Status lookup dropdown has been added to allow configuring the status that will be assigned to the facility record created when the facility Application Status is changed to ‘Pending Inspection’.

Config – Register Configuration

22. Users can now create their own views for any page. They can rearrange the order of columns in any view to create and save (buttons added in the toolbar) their own personalized view for any Thentia Cloud Platform page. This view can also be shared with other platform users. Clicking on the eye symbol in the toolbar will display all the default and personalized views available, allowing the user to select and apply a view shared with them.

Multiple Locations

23. After opening any form in the Workflow module, the Design Elements section in the left sidebar panel displays an Editor option which is now functional.

Workflow – Design Elements


Thentia Cloud Platform Bug Fixes

Description Location

1. Additional security has been implemented for the Super Admin User Accounts for both web services and network operations to prevent other system users from modifying or updating the email address on those accounts via the UI and API.


2. The Time zone stamp has been modified to display as Eastern Standard Time (EST), as per the Client’s request.


3. Additional security patches have been implemented to patch various Apache Log4j libraries and prevent vulnerabilities within the platform infrastructure.


4. When a regular (non-System Admin) user has their read access privilege to a particular entity revoked, that user will no longer be able to access any records from that entity, even if they tried selecting the link associated with the connected record.

Multiple Locations

5. Certain files like audio files (MP3), video files (MP4), word files (.doc) could earlier be uploaded but not viewed or downloaded. These file types can now be downloaded, viewed, and played back.

Multiple Locations

6. For some clients, the ‘All Registration Details’ page displayed the Current Expiry Date one day off for some licensees. This issue has now been resolved and the correct Current Expiry Date will now be displayed for all licensees.

Register – Individual Registration - Licenses


Thentia Cloud Portals Enhancements

Description Location

1. For application and renewal approvals, a configurable registration status is now available in the Application Type entity.

Application Portal

2. During an application, renewal, status change, or other processes where application documents may be configured and requested, in the event that the configured process does not require supporting documents, the Supporting Documents page will now be skipped or hidden.

Application Portal

3. Supervision Application functionality has been implemented in the Licensee Portal. This new feature will allow an applicant to apply for a supervision agreement to be mentored and guided by a supervisor in order to achieve a higher license level, or to initially gain a license.

This functionality facilitates the following additional information:

  • Allows an applicant to select a supervisor based on the registration class and list of board-approved supervisors.
  • Allows an applicant to log the planned average hours, planned total hours, proposed start date, proposed end date and focus of the supervision.
  • Allows an applicant to upload a signed supervision contract or provides a way for the supervisor to approve the supervision.
  • Allows the applicant to select employment from the supervisor’s agencies or place of employment where the supervision will be handled.
  • Allows attestations to be submitted.
Application Portal / Licensee Portal

4. An Authorization module has been implemented to work like the individual licenses. Authorizations are used to enable the board to have the ability to issue one or more sub-licenses for their individual licensees. Whoever applies for an authorization must already hold a license.

Authorization has been added as a menu item in the individual Licensee Portal.

To facilitate this functionality, the following entities have been added:

  • Authorization – Stores configuration information on authorization for licensees in the Authorization entity in the Platform. It is similar to licenses as Authorization is intended as a sub-license type.  An Authorization will be directly linked to a Profile and have a designated Authorization Number, Authorization Class, and Status. Each Authorization will also have an Initial Date (start date), Current Date and Expiration Date (end date). The History of licenses and license Renewals will also be tracked.
  • Authorization Class – Stores configuration information on authorization class.
  • Authorization Status – Stores configuration information on the authorization status.

In the Licensee Portal, a new navbar item called Authorization was added under the License section. The Authorization page displays the authorizations that are already held by a licensee and the Authorization Applications section allows the licensee to keep track of existing applications, as well as allows starting a new application.

Application Portal – Authorization / Licensee Portal - License

5. In the Requests section, the Status Change Request option is now configurable and can be optionally removed from the left-hand menu.

In the Portal Settings, by setting the radio button ‘Enable Status Change Requests’ to ‘yes’, the Status Change Request option will be displayed under the Requests section in the Licensee Portal.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Portal Configuration – Portal Settings / Licensee Portal – Requests

6. A License Expiration Date column has been added to the Public Register License Search results table to indicate the date when a license has or will be expired.

Application Portal – Public Register

7. Custom forms have been added to the navigation bar (left menu) in various Portals and will apply to previously defined entities. These custom forms will work in conjunction with previously defined ‘parent records’, e.g., profile, application, renewal, etc., and queries have been added to pre-filter table contents on these forms.

The following is the list of predefined entities:

  • Application Portal Left Menu – Profile entity
  • Application Portal Application – Registration Application entity
  • License Portal Left Menu – Profile entity
  • License Portal Renewal – Profile entity / License Renewal entity / Registration Detail entity
  • Business Portal Left Menu – Business entity / Profile entity
  • Business Portal License Application – Business entity / Business Application entity
  • Business Portal License Renewal – Business entity / Business License entity / Business License Renewal entity
  • Business Portal Facility Application – Business entity / Facility Application entity
  • Business Portal Facility Renewal – Business entity / Facility entity / Facility Renewal entity
  • Inspector Portal Left Menu: Profile entity / Facility Inspector entity
  • Student Portal Left Menu – School entity / School User entity
Multiple Locations

8. Various service fees can now be configured and optionally applied as a percentage of the application fee. This is applicable only when processing application fees via credit card.

In the Checkout Configurations section, select the service fee from the new Service Fee Item drop down. If you want to specify a percentage of the application fee, enter the percentage in the new Service Fee Percentage (%) attribute. Both options can be used in conjunction with each other or separately.

Note: Configuration assistance is required.

Application Portal

9. Document uploads will now remain enabled on the Application Documentation page, so applicants can continue to upload documents for an application after submission, based on the board’s requests.

Application Portal

10. The Application Approval workflow has been modified to work like individual applications and will support the 2-step licensing fee. For a new application, a new authorization record will be created. For a renewal application, the associated authorization record will be updated.

Application Portal – Connections - Authorization Application

11. When viewing a saved application, only the last four digits of the social security number (SSN) will now be displayed. The first five digits will be automatically masked.

Application Portal / Licensee Portal

12. On the Public Register Details page, an Authorizations section has been added to display only authorizations held by the licensee/registrant that have been approved and have not expired.

The following details will be displayed:

  • Authorization Category
  • Authorization Type
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date

Also, a Show Authorization on Public Register radio button has been added to show authorizations on the Public Register when set to ‘yes’.

A radio button ‘Show Expired Authorizations on Public Register’ has also been added and when it is set to ‘yes’, the expired authorizations will be shown on the Public Register.

Application Portal – Public Register / Licensee Portal

13. The Inspector Portal will now authenticate users based on the Active Supervisor Status radio button, which is configurable within the Registration Status and Authorization Status entities.

Also, in the Registration Status entity, within the Controls section, the Allow Inspector Login radio button has been added to allow an inspector with an active registration to login to the Inspector Portal.

Inspector Portal

14. The ‘Status Change Request’ option in the navigation menu can now be disabled. By setting the Enable Status Change Requests radio button in the Portal Settings to ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will either enable or disable this option in the portal.

Licensee Portal

15. Email notifications have been implemented in the Complaints module. Whenever a complaint is filed, an email notification will now be sent to a configurable email address of the designated recipient (individual or department). Typically, emailed complaints are sent to the complaints department, and all complaints can be viewed through the Complaints module.

Online Complaint Portal


Thentia Cloud Portals Bug Fixes

Description Location

1. Once certain information has been entered for an application and the application has been saved, the information will be designated as read-only for the current and future applications.This applies to the following personal information:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • SSN
Application Portal

2. When continuing an application, a user will now be taken to the page (or step within a particular record) that they had most recently updated. They will also have the option of moving back and forth within the application pages.

The user will NOT be able to change the application type once the application has been initially saved or started. Instead, only the option of canceling a new, unsubmitted application can be done on the Application Status page.

Application Portal

3. The Minimum Hours Required for training to obtain each license, will now be populated in the Continuing Education Summary page.

Application Portal

4. The Welcome and Invoices & Receipts links on the Submitted page are all internal and have been modified to open on the same tab.

Application Portal

5. When an application category is created without an application attached to it, the category will appear on the Application Type page but will no longer result in a network error.

Application Portal – Application Type

6. This Mobile Only issue when adding a Board Approved Supervisor only occurred on Browser Stack – Samsung Galaxy S21 – Chrome, Samsung Internet browsers.

For the Board Approved Supervisor’s License Number and Name fields, when typing in a name in the drop-down field, the drop down correctly displays names based on what has been entered into the search field and then when selecting a name from the list, the name will now be correctly populated into the field.

Application Portal – Board Approved Supervisors

7. The Personal Information on the Business Portal and Licensee Portal can now be saved successfully, even if there are required fields that are disabled or missing.

Application Portal – Business Registration / Licensee Portal

8. When the invoice item already has a price, the default price for the associated fee item will no longer be used.

Application Portal – Invoice Item

9. The alignment has been properly adjusted for columns on the Results page of the Public Register and the text wrap will no longer break up words.

Application Portal – Public Register

10. When a user attempts to unassign an inspection task, the inspection task will be successfully unassigned, and the screen will no longer stop responding when the loading spinner displays.

Inspector Portal

11. When attempting to reschedule an inspection task, the inspection task can now be rescheduled successfully, and the screen will no longer stop responding when the loading spinner displays.

Inspector Portal

12. In the Status Change Request page, the fee item will now correctly load, regardless of whether there is an active fee waiver condition on the related status.

Licensee Portal – Requests - Status Change Request
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