How to Edit Continuing Education (CE) Details

Welcome to Thentia Cloud! This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to edit continuing education (CE) details an individual has submitted on their renewal.


1. Select Register module from the grid icon/app tray.
2. Select navigation menu (hamburger menu icon).
3. Select Registrations topic under Individual Registration.
4. Select licensee whose Continuing Education (CE) credits need editing.

Open the licensee record by double-selecting the blank space or highlight the record and select the pencil icon.

5. On the Registration Page select CE Plans from the navigation panel under Connections.
6. Locate the most current renewal record by reviewing the Period End Date/Submitted Date and double-select blank space or highlight and select the pencil icon.
7. Select Activities under Connections and locate the CE record you need to update and double-select blank space in that record or highlight and select the pencil icon to open the record.
8. From the CE record locate details to edit for the record like:
  • Activity Provider
  • Activity Type*
  • Additional description
  • Units Completed* (this is the hours)
  • Completed Date*

Select the Save icon diskette to update.
Details with a red asterisk* are required fields.

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