How to Record a Refund

Welcome to Thentia Cloud! This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to record a refund in the Platform. Please note that the actual refund process occurs outside of the Thentia Cloud system.


1. Select the grid icon towards the upper-right corner of the screen and choose the Finance module.
2. Select the menu icon and choose Billing>Invoices.
3. Double-select on any blank space on the line or any non-hyperlinked value (text not highlighted in blue) to open the invoice.
4. Select Pay Invoice icon on the record toolbar.
5. Select the Create Credit item from the action options of the Process Payment pop-up screen.
6. Select the item(s) to credit and enter the amount to credit.

Select Proceed when done. A credit line item is created.


Viewing the Invoice Details shows the Total Due amount reduced by the amount credited, which also equals the amount in the Refund Owing field.

7. Select Pay Invoice icon on the record toolbar again.
8. Select the credit item from the items list.
9. Go to the Select Payment Method field and select the appropriate refund method. Enter a reference number if appropriate.

Select Proceed to complete. A line item under Payments is created for the refund.

10. Go to Select Payment Method and select the appropriate refund method. Enter a reference number if appropriate.

Select Proceed to complete. A line item under Payments is created for the refund.

Review the transaction details

Viewing the Invoice Details again shows the refund amount has been recorded in the system and the balance due is zero (0).

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