How to Create a Custom View

Welcome to Thentia Cloud! This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a custom view for the modules within the Platform.


1. Select the grid icon towards the upper-right corner of the screen and choose the Workflow module.
2. From the menu, select Forms.
3. In the search bar, type the name of the module you would like to create the custom view for.
4. Choose the page you wish to create the view for by double-selecting on any blank area of the line or on any non-hyperlinked text (text not highlighted in blue).
5. Select the Views icon from the toolbar.
6. Select the New View icon.
7. Select New View from the menu on the left.
8. Enter a Name for the view.
9. Select the Columns drop-down and select the column to add to the view. You also have the option of selecting a Sort Order.

Select Add Column to add the column to your view.

10. Repeat these steps for all columns you would like included in the view.

If you need to delete any of the columns, simply select the “x” for the column to be deleted.

11. Select the Save icon to save the view and then the Close icon to close the view.
12. Open the module and page where for which you created the view.

Refresh the screen by using the refresh icon on your browser or by logging out of the platform and logging back in.

13. Select the View icon. You will now be able to see and select the view you just created
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