How to Add a Public Notice to a Licensee’s Record Using the Register Module

Welcome to Thentia Cloud! This guide provides two ways to add a public notice to a licensee’s record from within the platform.


1. Select the grid icon towards the upper-right corner of the screen and choose the Register module.
2. Select the menu icon and choose Individual Registration>Registrations.
3. Search for the Registrant and double-select on any non-hyperlinked text to open record (text not highlighted in blue).
4. Under Connections, select Public Notices.
5. Select the Create a new connected record icon from the toolbar.
6. Complete all the fields on the New Public Notice page and select the Save icon to save the public notice.
7. Select the Refresh icon from the toolbar.  The newly added Public Notice will now show under the Registrant’s connected Public Notices.
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